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Form Error: Valid Email Address (After Initial Form Submission)


Former Community Member


I have a form that seems to work properly, at least initially, but once the form is filled out and submitted, then opened again, this error appears right before the form opens:


I can't seem to pinpoint what would cause this error, especially since it only shows up after the form has been filled out and submitted.



2 Replies


Former Community Member

Are you using the distribute form functionality or are you sending the form to the other users yourself?



Former Community Member

Hi Paul,

I created the form, and then sent it to others to test. After the form was submitted from one user to another, the error appeared whenever you open the form. So they forwarded the form to me and asked me to remove the error. I went in and removed the error message from the "Validation Script Message" and now I am having them test it again, to see if it was removed. That may be all there is to it. If I still have problems, I will write back.

Thank you,
