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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Embedded attachments


Level 4

Hi Guys, My application requires that the Form (pdf) on submission should retain embedded attachments. But every time after an approver in the process adds a attachment by clicking the paper clip icon in the form (pdf), and adds a file as an embedded attachment. The attachment is not retained in the following activity.

Kindly advice on how to accomplish this requirement.

Note – The PDF form is applied with usage rights

7 Replies


Former Community Member

Are you submitting the pdf or just the data? You will have to move the PDF inbetween steps instead of the data.



Level 4

I am submitting the pdf as document object to the process flow

The data type that i have declared is "document" for the input variable "formData"

Normally when we try to create a process with a workspace start point, we get a input variable "formData" of type "xml" by default.

In order to get embedded attachement in the process, i have chaged the data type of this variable to "document".

is it correct to submit the form as document object to the process as input?


Former Community Member

Yes that is correct but you must also modify the Action profile so that you are submitting PDF and not XML data. Below is a screen shot that shows how to configure for submitting a PDF. In my case I am Reader Extending the PDF at render .....you may or may not have to do this based on what functionality is in the form.




Level 4

Thanks for the info Paul,

I have set that in our Action Profile earlier itself. still in my process i am not able to retain the embedded attachment that is paperclipped by a user at an asign task activity. The moment the user makes a action after adding attachments in the next activity the form does not retain the attachment. we have this requirement in which we need to retain the embedded attachment. Do we have any means of accomplishing this?


Former Community Member

Are you adding the attachments to the PDF itself or to the envelope that is part of the Workspace user interface - (on the chrome that surronds the PDF)?



Level 4

Thanks Paul for your interest in this discussion.

The problem that i am currently facing is that,

Case 1 :-

when a process with workspace start point and input variable of data type document is created, the form is capable of retaining the embadded attachment(not in the envelop thats part of the workspace) that the users in the process add to the document variable.

The process fields variable that is in the form gives the User in the process with a ablity to SAVE the form to the draft, but when the form is opened in the draft, the Form does not appear in its PDF format, instead a XML is shown.

SAVE functionality does not work as expected in the above case

Case 2 :-

when a process with workspace start point and input variable of data type xml is created, the form is not capable of retaining the embadded attachment(not in the envelop thats part of the workspace) that the users in the process add to the Form

SAVE functiality provided by process fields in the form works fine in this scenario.


Former Community Member

The Save as Draft is only available for users that have a submit button that submits XML. The save as draft functionality will cause the data to be submitted to the server and the task information (as well as the data) are saved to the DB. If you have setup the form to submit the entire form then that Draft functionality will not be available. If the user has added an attachment and then hit the draft button then it will be lost as only the data is being saved and not the entire PDF.
