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Dynamically change send-to address of EmailSubmitButton


Level 2

I'm modifying an access request form that we use. Depending on whether the request is for new access (for a new user) or a change to existing access, there may be more than one person who needs to receive the form. I need to know how to modify the EmailAddress property of the EmailSubmitButton in response to a selection from a RadioButton list. I'm not having much luck finding an object model or other resource I can use to examine and change the appropriate properties in JavaScript.

I'm hoping this is something that's been done alot and has some basic scripts already set up.

1 Reply


Former Community Member

The email submit button was put in as a convenience to allow for people to simply drop and use a button for email. It was not intended to be adjusted or controlled programatically. In your case you can use a plain button and program it to use the Acrobat javascrip Maildoc api or youo can drop a button on the form, make it of type submit and use the mailto protocol to control the mail message.

Make sense?
