We have a 9 page Word form that has some duplicate information, have converted it to LiveCycle but am stuck on finding out how to have the data from one field also show in another so the user does not have to enter twice. Eventually we will remove the duplicate fields, but for many reasons, right now they must remain. I don't want a Contractor to have to enter their Company name twice, etc., and have my main data collection form in the front of the 9 pages, and then when they get to the last page with sigs, etc., I would like what they've already entered for their Company information to show.
I am very new to Designer ES, and when I did some forms in Adobe 9.0 Forms awhile back, all I needed to do was to name the fields the same and if I entered info in one it would show in the other. ES does not seem to do that, and I can't seem to find out how to add any code to the field. Don't know why but alot of my options are grayed out.
Anyway, would very much appreciate help, thank you.