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Do we have a in-built CLOCK in LC pls.?


Level 4


I am a newbie to LC, am developing a form, where in I need to place a DATE field and TIME field. So, from pallette I got the DATE field and am seeing the calender for date selection, well, but I thought its the same case with TIME field that user gonna hv a clock / digital clock provision for time slecton, but its not?

Pls. let me know

1) Do we have a in-built clock function for TIME selection in LC?, if so, how can get it onto my form

2) If there is not such thing, what is the PATTERN i need to maintain so that users will not enter junk?

3) If I want to do any validations against user entered data, pls. let me know the JS and the EVENT name pls.?

Thank you

1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Level 3

Hi MSR1306,

To throw an error message you must select the error checkbox in object panel after selecting the Date/Time field control.


Also regarding "allow Empty" and "Allow Zero" option and description please navigate to http://help.adobe.com/en_US/livecycle/9.0/designerHelp/index.htm?topic=HID_PATTERNS_DISPLAY .



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8 Replies


Level 4

Any help pls.?

Thank you


Level 3

Hi MSR1306,

Please download the document (https://sendnow.acrobat.com/?i=UkrpBFvh552UiwrbWl5WFA ) in which I used a datetime control to enter and display time.

I have applied patterns in the datetime control to validate the input. For date and time patterns description, please navigate to http://help.adobe.com/en_US/livecycle/9.0/designerHelp/index.htm?topic=000404 .

You can also use a dropdown list control, so that user can select from the entered values.




Level 4

Thank you.

This is company provided laptop, wherein too many restrictions/controls, hence I can't open these 2 links, pls. anybody provide me as text here that what is there in the links (or) pls. advise me,

1) Do we have a in-built clock function for TIME selection in LC?, if so, how can get it onto my form

2) If there is not such thing, what is the PATTERN i need to maintain so that users will not enter junk?

3) If I want to do any validations against user entered data, pls. let me know the JS and the EVENT name pls.?

Thank you


Level 4

TIME pattern.jpg

Any help pls.?

Thank you


Level 4

Any help pls.?

Thank you


Correct answer by
Level 3

Hi MSR1306,

To throw an error message you must select the error checkbox in object panel after selecting the Date/Time field control.


Also regarding "allow Empty" and "Allow Zero" option and description please navigate to http://help.adobe.com/en_US/livecycle/9.0/designerHelp/index.htm?topic=HID_PATTERNS_DISPLAY .




Level 4

Thank you


Level 4


We are a multi national private company, located in Washington DC, we are looking for a expert LC developer with excellent JS expertise, its 3 months project, pls. reply ASAP if you are available, interviews will be immediate (no remote work pls.)

Thank you