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Component support for Flex 4.5 "hero" mobile SDK



I was using the preview release of Flash Builder (Burrito) and the Flex 4.5 (Hero) SDK to build an application that runs on an Android device. I created a simple view and included the SimpleChat component. As soon as I try to run the application, I get an exception that states that mx.controls.TextArea could not be found.

Now, this makes sense since the Flex 4.5 SDK does not support MX controls for mobile.

Is there any work being done to provide Spark implementations of the LCCS controls such as Simple Chat, webcam, etc?


1 solution acceptée


Réponse correcte par
Ex-membre de la communauté

Hi David,

We have been working on it but burrito as you mentioned has a whole lot

of things missing from it that has not permitted us in building some of

our critical components without which giving out our SDK is meaningless.

So, you would have to wait till a full-fledged hero build comes up only

then we can build some of the missing pieces at our end. And i said

early year provided hero is available, which is not the case at least

for now.


Hironmay Basu

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8 Replies


Ex-membre de la communauté


Yes, we are working on it , but still some components are missing in the Hero build as of now, so we are keeping an eye on the upcoming Hero builds. So, early next year hopefully, we will be able to provide a beta SDK for LCCS, that may not have every feature, but will have SDK framework , chat, cam etc. In the meanwhile, you can use our Flash only SDK to work with Burrito and Hero

Hope this helps


Hironmay Basu


Level 3


How's the LCCS verison for Flex 4.5 coming?  The Flash only sdk seems very limited as far as UI.




Ex-membre de la communauté

What are you actually trying to build? The Flash-only SDK (or the model

components in the Flex SDK) do provide the majority of the functionality

you'd need (whiteboard being one exception, and don't expect it any time

soon - Hero's not ready for it).



Level 3


Well, I need pretty much all the components, WebCamera, roster, screenshare subscriber, chat, file sharing.  Using the Flash only swc with Flex 4.5, I can get the chat without much problem, but, the others look like quite a bit of work.




Ex-membre de la communauté

Hi David,

Webcam subscriber/publisher, screenshare subscriber/publisher, file

subscriber/publisher are all available to you with the Flash only swc.

There's also a FlashUserList sample app in the SDK. Seems like it's all

available? Meanwhile, the Hero SDK hasn't even shipped yet, so expecting us

to target that is a little premature.




Level 3


I see that the core backend components are there, but, you're saying we have to build the corresponding view component for each of these ourselves using Spark and 4.5 compatible objects?  And, the FlashUserList is fla, I don't own Flash CS4 or 5 (nor do I want to!), but, can I get the code?  Maybe some specific examples on best approach for using each in a 4.5 Flex project is what I'm looking for.  I'm sure you guys have tried it out.  Especially with using View and ViewNavigator components in 4.5, this would seem to dictate a different approach instead of using ConnectSessionContainer used with the LCCS Flex components.

Also, there seem to be critical things missing from porting my custom LCCS components that I've built using your Flex 3 swc to Flex 4 (and 4.5), primarily being SharedCollection.  How do I surface collections stored in LCCS with the Flash-only swc when this object isn't supported?

And, regarding having this available, I'm just following on to Hironmay's comment back in November that "we are working on it...early next year".  I believe Burrito/FlashBuilder4.5 have been out for quite some time now, even though they're not final, seems you could publish some examples on how to adapt to it, especially for those that aren't familiar with how you use the Flash only code version of the swc in a Flex environment.




Réponse correcte par
Ex-membre de la communauté

Hi David,

We have been working on it but burrito as you mentioned has a whole lot

of things missing from it that has not permitted us in building some of

our critical components without which giving out our SDK is meaningless.

So, you would have to wait till a full-fledged hero build comes up only

then we can build some of the missing pieces at our end. And i said

early year provided hero is available, which is not the case at least

for now.


Hironmay Basu


Level 3

Thanks Hironmay...I do get it regarding the challenge with having to port the LCCS api to Spark...I'm sure you're feeling some of pain others are having also!

But, at least some examples on you're suggested approach would be really helpful.  Such as, how you suggest surfacing video chat, it looks like VideoComponent.as is a poor substitute.

And, regarding the SharedCollection, I've taken the source from the 10.1 Flex code, and it does compile under 4.5...can you think of anything to look out for in pursuing this route?

Thanks again,


The following has evaluated to null or missing: ==> liqladmin("SELECT id, value FROM metrics WHERE id = 'net_accepted_solutions' and user.id = '${acceptedAnswer.author.id}'").data.items [in template "analytics-container" at line 83, column 41] ---- Tip: It's the step after the last dot that caused this error, not those before it. ---- Tip: If the failing expression is known to be legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (myOptionalVar.foo)!myDefault, (myOptionalVar.foo)?? ---- ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #assign answerAuthorNetSolutions = li... [in template "analytics-container" at line 83, column 5] ----