Sorry, my question is a bit of naive.
I was trying to create a sample portfolio using Assembler.
The DDX file which I was using looks like below -
<DDX xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/DDX/1.0/">
<PDF result="final.pdf">
<PDF source="/Applications/SampleApplication/1.0/form1.pdf"/>
<PDF source="/Applications/SampleApplication/1.0/form2.pdf"/>
<?ddx-source-hint name="/Applications/SampleApplication/1.0/form1.pdf"?>
<?ddx-source-hint name="/Applications/SampleApplication/1.0/form2.pdf"?>
form1.pdf and form2.pdf are at the paths mentioned in the application. I am passing this DDX as an input to the process, but it is giving me the exception -
Caused by: com.adobe.internal.pdfm.CollateralNotFoundException: DDXM_S14017: A <PDF> source document is required, but no documents were found for {PDF source="/Applications/TestApplication/1.0/form1.pdf"}.
The process properties which I set are below -
Can somebody help me in resolving this exception ?