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Change the font typeface of text object in form Master Page


Level 2

Dear all,

        I am creating a Adobe Livecycle form with multi-language support. Simply, there is a header title that is a text object in master page. I want that it can be converted to simplified Chinese from English and change its font typeface to “SimSun” when printing begins. I try the following code on its “Initize” event to do this.

Simply, I configure a print flag(Y/N) in form so that it will convert into simplified Chinese and change the font typeface to ‘SimSun’ when the flag is reset to ‘Y’.

Int langInt = i ;       

If (pFlag  == “Y”) {

           PaymentRequisitionApp.pageSet.Page1.MasterSubform. Text1.value.text.value = l_XML.Record[i].TITLE.toString();

           PaymentRequisitionApp.pageSet.Page1.MasterSubform. Text1.font.typeface ="simsun";


I found that it doesn’t work. There is something else in the form to reset the title to English. So I try to paste the code above in “calculate” event of tex1 object. It’s work!


1.      Anyone can tell me that the implement order of the events in the form?

2.      Does it exist other better way to do this?

        3.  Which event, function or any else let the master page’s object to be reset?
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