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Change AMF-Polling-Interval in LiveCycle Workspace


Level 1


Is it possible to change the polling-interval for the amfpolling-channel in LiveCycle Workspace?
Or just disable polling?

The default polling-interval is about 3 seconds to the url /workspace-server/messagebroker/amfpolling

Many thanks for any hint.

Kind regards,

2 Replies


Level 3


As far as I know there is a file service-config.xml available at LiveCycle_ES_SDK/misc/Process_Management/Workspace/adobe-workspace-src.

In this config file once can configure polling interval.

<channel-definition id="secure-workspace-polling-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.SecureAMFChannel">
            <endpoint uri="https://{server.name}:{server.port}/workspace-server/messagebroker/amfsecurepolling"
        <channel-definition id="workspace-polling-amf" class="mx.messaging.channels.AMFChannel">
            <endpoint uri="http://{server.name}:{server.port}/workspace-server/messagebroker/amfpolling"

Please try modifying this file. Hope this helps.



Level 1


Thank you for your answer.

I have modified the services-config.xml in LiveCycle_ES_SDK/misc/Process_Management/Workspace/adobe-workspace-src as you described.
Unfortunately without success.

We are using a customized LiveCycle Workspace.
I have modified the polling-interval value in the following services-config.xml files:

  • The services-config.xml in the root directory of the LiveCycle Worskace SDK source (in FlexBuilder)
  • The services-config.xml on the server in the directory \LiveCycle_ES_SDK\misc\DataServices\Server-Configuration and referred to it in the core settings of the LiveCycle-Administration (adminui)

And the Workspace (the customized and the original one) is still polling every 3 seconds.

Is the polling used for the QueueSharing functionality? Is it possible to disable this feature?

Many thanks!
