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Can you "deconstruct" XML form tabs from PDFs?


Former Community Member

OK, I'll try this here.. sorry for posting this all over but I'm near desperate to find an answer

I have a pdf that was created Acrobat Designer 7.1. It uses, for lack of a better term, tabs. You click on a prticular field and the document changes to a new set of pages. These pages aren't visible any other way.

I can not  save these pages alone. I can only save the document as a whole.

I need to pull these out with text intact for comparison purposes. (DocuProof Enterprise)

Any help is greatly appreciated.

5 Replies


Level 10


I am not familar with Docu-Proof, but had a quick look at their website. It seems to handle XML files, so why don't you export the form data to an XML file and process that?

In Acrobat you can export XML form the Forms menu.

Good luck,



Former Community Member

Thanks for repsonding.

I've tried that, but it appears to be TOO MUCH information. and times out the program.

This is for text comparision between  copy supplied by the customer and it's use on packaging. Even if the exported XML file worked it would make it difficult to sift through the text to find the proper copy amongst the "data" of the file.


Level 10


If you know in advance what fields you want exported you could set these objects binding to Name/Normal (in the Object > Binding palette) in Designer. Other fields would have a binding set to None. This would reduce the amount of data exported.

However, please note that fields with a data binding of None, will never participate in the data processing.



Former Community Member

Ah well theres the rub.. While I know they were created in Designer they were not created by us and we currently do not have that app.

We would have to get this LiveCycle(?) for multiple users, and even then I am unsure if we would be able to properly edit the file.


Former Community Member

HAH!! Finally!! I was able to print to a PDF printer on a common computer. The pages printed out fine. I KNEW this would work but couldn't get it to do it from my machine.