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Auto replace text.


Level 1


I'm new working with Lifecycle and I'm trying to create a form where the client select a color from a drop down menu and a text on a filed will change.

This is a example of what I'm trying to do.


My script is working fine to change the first field but the problem comes when the client add a second or more fields, the dropdaown menu is not changing the text on the new fields.

This is the code that I'm using.

var oldText = form.testPage.beltsOrder.regBelts.styleInfo.beltInfo.rawValue;

var newText = oldText.replace("[belt color]", this.rawValue);

form.testPage.beltsOrder.regBelts.styleInfo.beltInfo.rawValue = newText;

I tried many differen ways without any luck, please I'll appreciate any help.

Thank you.

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