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Any way to time-bomb or watermark an XFA form?


Level 3

Hi - I have created a bunch of forms which I am putting out on a promotional CD, but want to protect them from being used for an extended period, or even used in practise.I want people to play with the features, fill in the forms, etc, but not be able to print them for use. With Acroforms I can watermark at the time of print, but I can't find how to do that in Livecycle (my version 9.0). Alternatively, can they be time-bombed in Livecycle? I had hoped to find this feature in the Reader Extensions ES, but no such luck.

4 Replies


Level 10


In the File > Form Properties > Security tab you can set a password protected feature so that printing is not allowed.

Parallels Desktop1.png

Be warned, there are third-party solutions out there that will break your password protection rendering your form open to people with an ounce of skill.

You could also include a white button (covering the whole page) that will appear once the current system date has gone past a certain date. When the user clicks this large button, they could get a message or be directed to your website. Again, this could be worked around if someone had the time or inclination.

I have a sample form on our website. I have set the fields so that the user can go in and explore the form, but any information they type in is chucked out and the contents revert to default. Also a watermark appears on printing. .PDF (1.3 MB)

Hope that helps,



Level 3

I should have done a bit of research first - the answer is really simple.

Either create an image of what you want the watermark to look like, or write some text into a text field - place this on the master page, and in the visibility section, change it to Visible (Print Only) - done.


Level 3

Hi Niall - again, good advice. In the end, I am going to use the image format, because it seems that I cannot set visibility scripts to a text field - so I lazily converted the text to an Image Field, which then came out as the caption - so I could then set the visibility in the pre and postprint events.

It seem the Visibility (Print Only) setting is not sufficient.




Level 10

Hi Rob,

You are correct script a 'text' object, but you can script against most objects, like 'textFields' and 'imageFields'.

The presence setting 'Visible - print only' should work though, even for static text objects.

Check the target version that you have set in the File > Form Properties > Defaults tab.

Parallels Desktop1.png

If this is set to low it won't work and you will get a warning in the Warnings tab:

Parallels Desktop1.png

Hope that helps,
