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Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES Error while Connecting to MYSQL ODBC Driver


Level 1


I'm getting an strange error message when i try to connect a LC PDF form to

MYSQL DB using MySQL Connector /ODBC 3.51 Driver

Here is the complete detail how i was trying to build a connection

string :-

I Opened a form in Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES2 Ver.9.0.0

Clicked on Data View Pallete --> New Data Connection --> selected OLEDB Database radio button --> Build a Connection string (clicked on build button) --> selected MS OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (the default selected option ) --> clicked on Next >> button --> Use connection string (radio button) --> Build connection string on clicking Build button --> Select Data Source windows opens --> Clicked on Machine Data Source tab --> created a new data source (with User Data Source) --> Selected the MySQL ODBC Driver (MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver) --> Clicked on next button and then Finish

A Connector/ ODBC 3.51.28 - Add Data Source Name window opens up which have the DSN connection details (DSN Name , Server , user , password , database).

I put all the default details


After this i got a error message saying that

Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES has encountered a problem and needs to

close. we are sorry for the inconvenience

I tried this number of time and was getting this error message every

time i try to put the DSN Detail and trying to connect to the DB. This

was really irritating.

Can somebody's what's the Issue . Is this a Resource Conflict or

something else


P.S :- I am using Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES2 Ver.9.0.0 with Windows XP and MySQL

Connector /ODBC 3.51 and the DB Connection is working good for MS

Access( though i don't need MySQL Connector fot this ).

Any Help would be highly appreciated

Thanks Alok

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