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Add Row Button Not Working


Level 2

I've read the threads and done numerous searches.  Not sure why the add row button isn't working, other buttons work.

Here's what I've found and done.

Print button subform - positioned (have tried flowed, too) allow page breaks

Table: body rows vary   -    Insert wrap in subform  - subform flowed - allow page breaks

     row 1 binding - repeat row for each data item - min 1, max 25 (why won't it  keep an initial count when I try putting in 1 or 0?)

Form properties - preview in dynamic PDF, interactive   -   PDF render format dynamic xml, run in 9.0 or later (to remove errors)

Insert Row Button in Subform Row 1 Cell 1 (not counting header row) on  click, JavaScript run at client tried table.row1.instancemanager.addinstance(1);   also tried full path

saved as dynamic pdf

My hierarchy looks like:

form1   [autofit]

     master pages

          page 1

               untitled content area

     printbuttonSubForm  [flowed, top to bottom, allow page breaks]

          untitled subform [flowed, top to bottom, allow page breaks]


          tablesf    [flowed, top to bottom, allow page breaks]

               table1    [allow page breaks]



                         cell2 etc

                    Row1   [allow page breaks, repeat row for each data item, min 1, max 25 (why won't it  keep an initial count when I try putting in 1 or 0?)]

                         subform   [allow page breaks, repeat row for each data item, min 1, max 25

                                        (why won't it  keep an initial count when I try putting in 1 or 0?)]

                              button1    table1.row1.subform1.instanceManager.addinstance(1);

                         cell2, etc

     Referenced objects


I click the Add Row button, but nothing happens, why?  The print button works.

Found a reference to def instances of same row, what does that mean?

Is my hierarchy correct?

How to set Form1 to flow? Object says mixed objects with no options

Many thanks for your assistance! Leslie

14 Replies


Level 10

Hi Leslie,

There could be a few things.

First check that the form is saved as Dynamic XML in the save as dialog. If it is saved as Static the add instance will not work.

Make sure that the object you are targetting is set to repeat in the Object > Binding tab

Check your syntax in the script editor (button above the editor). Some of your post is not camel case. For example addInstance and instanceManager. Note the capital letter for the second word.

If you could share your form it would be easier to track down what the problem is. You can use Acrobat.com or YouSendIt.com or some other file sharing site. Just remember to post the published URL.

Good luck,



Level 2

Many thanks for your response.

Yes, saved as Dynamic XML.

Row1 and it's subform both set to repeating. ( Make sure that the object you are targeting is set to repeat in the Object > Binding tab)

I'll see if I can do the upload.


Level 2

Did you get my upload?  PS most of my tries I used capitalization, etc. in script.

Many thanks. Leslie


Level 10


No, I didn't. Can you post the link/URL?



Level 2

BTW Is there a downloadable template for this?


Level 10

Hi Leslie,

Back at the desk - here is an example of an addInstance for rows that is working: https://acrobat.com/#d=byrO8kt0Sm6t*wyOS7sxGw

See if that helps identify the issue.



Level 2

I emailed it to you with YouSendIt.


Level 10

Didn't get it.

I have just sent you a private message with my email address.



Level 2

Thanks, I'll compare to mine!


Level 2

I didn't get your message, IS is checking our filters. The forms you sent me work, so I'll go ahead and compare, but I can use these as my template, so I'm all set.

Many thanks!



Level 10

Hi Leslie,

It would be good to identify the issue - for the next form.

You can send it to  //email address


Message was edited by: Niall O'Donovan


Level 2

Sorry, I didn't get your email address.  Just says "you can send it to . .  "



Level 10


I took it down: ...


Message was edited by: Niall O'Donovan