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Add Header and Footer in Live Cycle ES2


Level 1


We are quite new to the use of live cycle pdf generation. Can anyone help us with information as to how we can add header and footers to our pdf files using livecycle ES2.

And further, we would like to know whether header and footer adding is available in the trial version of Livecycle ES2?

2 Replies


Level 10

There's a service that comes with PDFG called Assembler that allows you to manipulate PDFs.

It can also add headers and footers to a document.

See the following link for more details: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/livecycle/9.0/ddxRef.pdf (page 102).



Level 1


Thanks for the reply.

We have another newly raised problem in the header and footer adding from Livecycle ES2. According to the PDF that you referred in the previous reply, we can add graphics to the PDF header, but we are unable to find a DDX tag that would enable us to add a image URL.

Can you please help us again on the above?
