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Add expanding field to paragraph


Level 3

I have a letter that I am creating in Livecycle.  I want the user to be able type there answers i.e.

I will (enter name) be able to attend the following meetings.  The (type meeting title) on (enter date) and my party will consist of (type the number of persons attending).  Inside the brackets I would like an expanding field, so that the paragraph looks just like a letter.  Is there a way of placing expanding fields?

Thank you in advance,


3 Replies


Level 4

I have created customized policies which are comprised of standardized text combined with unique user input. You use the "concat" function in FormCalc to put the two together. On page 2 I layout the policy with text fields. I used the calculate function of the field to perform the concatenation function. On page 3, I build text strings (the standardized language.

In the text fields on page 2, I combine the user input from page 1 with the standard text on hidden page 3. You do this by putting something like this in the text field's calculate event:

Concat(Page1.TextField1Name," ",Page3.TextString1," ",form1.Page1.TextField2Name,"."," ",.Page3.TextString2," ",Page1.TextField3Name," ")

etc. Notice the " " embedded in the formula - this will create a space between fields so it looks like a normal paragraph. You can insert a sentence period as well. Substitute your field names accordingly.

I place a checkbox on Page 1 to generate the policy, which is done by nothing more complicated than switching the second page's presence from hidden to visible (or back to hidden (place this JavaScript in the checkbox change event:

     if (this.rawValue == "1")

         Page2.presence = "visible";


         Page2.presence = "hidden";


Level 3

Thank you for your response.  Can you send me a sample form?



Level 4

I do not have a way to send a sample without your e-mail. But here is a link to a form I created for a client discussed in my response above. I'd be happy to discuss this further if you need additional assistance.


