Hi Psirus88,
This is a tough question to answer as it depends on things
that are outside of our control (e.g. network connection,
complexity of your shared model and the amount of data you intend
to send across our service, and social interactions - how your code
and design accounts for intermittent latency/congestion in the
network, which happens).
Games today, like World of Warcraft and Halo, don't even have
the sophisticated level of player-to-player interaction that you
would require for a game like Streetfighter (e.g. reacting to users
moves then blocking, counter punches, etc.) which are ALL very
important and requires sub-second reactions from the user. I can't
predict how this would work with Cocomo, but it should be fast
enough for MUDs (where WoW in my opinion is just a graphic
intensive MUD), and certainly turn-based games.