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XML variables wrapped in CDATA block


Level 6
I have a process that is exposed as a web service, which I am calling from a form. I am using an XML process variable as an "out" parameter of my web service. When I get the value, it is wrapped in a CDATA block. As a result, it is not valid XML. I am calling the web service from a PDF form, and I would like to bind the XML to a subform, but I cannot because of this CDATA problem. Any ideas?


Jared Langdon
1 Reply


Level 9
Hi Jared

We've always had difficulties doing what you're proposing.

Even if the data coming back from the web service is valid, we've never been able to bind an entire XML snippet to a sub-form.

You can validate this by writing a simple web service that returns a hard-coded string (containing xml data), and try binding that. If you do manage to do the binding, we'd really love to know how you achieve that in your form coding, so please post your experiences here.

What we usually do is rather than returning an entire xml packet, we return a number of discrete values, and bind each of those explicity to fields. Repeating fields are a bit more problematic, and for those we usually use comma-separated fields.

You can find a description of this pattern (not quite what you want, but should give you some ideas) at:


