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Write Document


Former Community Member
Hi Group

Can someone please tell me what is wrong with the below? I am trying to set the XPath for saving a form using the

Service Name: FileUtilsService

Service Operation: "Write Document"

The below does not stall the process but it also does not save the file in the path? Any help appreciated



8 Replies


Level 10
Can you try "c:/" intead of "c:\"?



Level 2


I'm having the same problem. The process instance is completed successfully, but the form is not saved in the specified directory.

Any help?


Level 2

In the log I get no error message. The process does not stall, but the file is not saved in the directory.

Thanks for your help!


Level 10

Are you sure your document contains any data?

What's the file name you're using?

You can use Record and Playback to check the content of the variable.



Level 2

The flow is simple. A User fills the form, a second user receives the completed form and choose between sending the attached form by email or write to the PDF form on the hard disk. I'm using two variables: one to receive information from the form (xml data type) and second to generate the PDF (document data type).

But I do not I configured no name for the file. It is this problem? What is best way to set the file name?



Level 10

Well, you do need a file name. Actually you need to put the path and the name of the file. For example c:/temp/myFile.xml.

You can hard code it or build a string dynamically. It's really up to you as to how you create the file name.
