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WM Error


Former Community Member

Hello all,

After boot windows on my WM I have the error below :

Operation on file "D:\VMwares\ES 2 MAX\Max 2009 Final Image.vmdk" failed.

If the file resides on a remote file system, please make sure your network connection and the server where this disk resides are functioning properly. If the file resides on removable media, reattach the media.

Choose Retry to attempt the operation again.

Choose Abort to terminate this session.

Choose Continue to forward the error to the guest operating system.

Somebody has any ideas for fix the problem ?

I use a T61P with Vista 64 bits, I enabled the VT settings on the DOS and I use VMware Workstation 6.5.2

Thanks for your help,


13 Replies


Level 3

Hi Jeremy,

I'm assuming that you unzipped the image to your D drive, based on the information you provided.

How much space do you have on this drive?  The image, unzipped is roughly 22GB.

I don't know if anyone else is using a drive other than C, if so perhaps you can add a post with your experience.



Former Community Member

Hello Val,

With the unzipped image, I have 26Go free on my hard drive.



Level 3

Hi Jeremy,

Looking through the threads on this forum, I see that Dan Gilliand is also using his D drive and is able to get the image up and running, although with some minor performance issues.



Level 2

From message http://forums.adobe.com/message/2263951#2263951 it looks like Dan's using the image from a non-C drive. It sounds more like file corruption. What is the exact size of your vdmk file, in bytes?


Former Community Member

my vdmk file do 23 278 911 488 bytes

But if the problem is caused because the location of the directory, I'll change it


Former Community Member

in fact I can't change the location, I don't have enough space on my C: 


Level 2

Your VMDK size is correct to the byte. I've tried now, for the first time, to run it from the disk D: on my T61p with Vista 64 and it starts with no errors. It's terribly slow, but it works.


Level 2

BTW, my D: drive is an internal drive that replaces the DVD reader/writer on the T61p. Maybe you're using a USB drive?


Level 2

I am also using an internal D: drive that replaces the DVD/CD drive on a T61p


Former Community Member

I m also use an internal drive.

Claire is local champion too. I think we ll work together for the workshops


Level 2

Don't you have an ESX server in Paris? If you're anyway working together I'd suggest you to convert the image through VMW Converter and send it over to ESX. I'll try that in Milan later on this week when our IT guy will be available to sort out the server's BIOS.

On my T61p with 4GB the image is barely usable, starting in 22 minutes.

Best regards,



Level 3

Instructions have been added to the wiki, https://zerowing.corp.adobe.com/display/bpbuTechMarketing/Getting+the+Environment,  for accessing the Support Global Labs hosted environment.




Level 3

I'm assuming this topic is resolved.

