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Using Dynamic Form in Workflow


Former Community Member
Hi Again,

I do not why but every day I am facing new problem with my workflow :(

This time I am facing problem in using my dynamic form.

I have created a Dynamic form with "ADD" and "DELETE" row function with some dynamic calculation field.

While Initiator is filling the form,he can Add Dynamic rows to the form but after submitting the workflow when the Approver is opening the form from his worklist he is not finding the Additional rows added into the forms and All the data is also missing.

*We tried on the one machine where initiator filled that form.

*We are using Adobe Reader 7.0

*Add row fuctionality is achived by "addInstance" function.

*Dynamic functionality is working for Approver also mean if he will going to click "ADD" button a row can be added by him also.
4 Replies


Level 9

Perhaps you are not saving the form data back into the workflow variable. You need to specify the output variable (can be same as the input variable) on the mappings tab.




Former Community Member
Is your form bound to a schema?

If it is, each subform that is dynamic will require a setting. Check "Repeat Subform for each data item" and uncheck "min count". That way, the data in your XML file dictates what sub-forms appear.

If it is not bound to a schema, you should consider it.

I hope that helps.


Former Community Member
Hi All

Thanks for reply.

Howard I am storing the data in variable and I can see all the other data instead of dynamic rows.

Stone I had made my form to bound with xsd.

and I had checked both repeat the subform for data and minimum count.

but if I am removing minimum count it is not displaying that dynamic row.

Let me know is I have to bound differently with the xsd for dynamic rows??


Former Community Member
At last I got the solution we need to have proper XSD mapping then only dynamic form is going to populate properly.