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Using Adobe LiveCycle Designer with ASP.NET to populate PDF Forms from Server Database.


Level 8

[Thread Edited By Adobe]

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Actual Question:

With Google, I did a very very long search on how to use Adobe LiveCycle Designer to design Interactive/Dynamic Forms, and publish them to the IIS Server and use ASP.NET to populate such forms with field values from back-end Database such as SQL Server.

We are designing and implementing Electronic Forms ASP.NET Application that must detect the user currently logged in to the Windows Intranet (under IIS), and should perform a Look-up to the Back-End Database to extract the User Related Data and Populate the Form Fields to start the Form Processing.

We have the following facts:

1. The forms will be designed using Adobe LiveCycle Designer 7.1.

2. We will NOT use Adobe LiveCycle Forms since it is not on our budget yet.

3. The users will have the required Adobe Acrobat version on the Client PC.

In a typical scenario, the user would go through these steps:

1. The user logs on to the Intranet using his Windows Login ID and Password. Then he starts the APS.NET Application for Forms Processing.

2. He will request a form to fill. The form may be populated with sensitive information such as Salary and only the requesting user must be able to see his Salary on any form.

3. On the server side, the system will use the User Windows ID to perform a query against the Back-End Database and generate the required XML Data.

4. The system must then link/merge the generated XML Data with the requested form and render (post) the form back to the user for further printing and/or submitting via email.

That's it !

I found an add-in product "Adobe LiveCycle® Designer add-in for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET" but it only wraps XPD forms in Visual Studio Component which is not of a great help to my requirements.

If any one could give me any hint on how to implement such requirements.

I truly appreciate any help.


275 Replies


Level 1

Hi Tarek,

Sorry to disturb you.

I got some sample codes from Acrobat 9 SDK c# samples, and that code is enough for my purpose. I have attached that code below. but the issues is I am getting one error while running this code "No document is currently open in the Acrobat Viewer" when it reach on red color line. could u please check this. In this code  Object formApp      ( IAFormApp formApp = new AFormAppClass() ) is not associated to any other objects like AcroAppClass, theny how its getting form details ? its taking form from currently opened Acrobat window ? I spent lot of time in google to get a good documentation of these classes, but not available, any idea about these documentations ?

Thanks in advance

Ajo Joseph

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
using Acrobat;
using AFORMAUTLib;

namespace FillFormCS
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for FillFormCS.
/// </summary>
class FillFormCS
  // Hard-coded file name, it can be changed when needed.
  /// <summary>
  /// The main entry point for the application.
  /// </summary>
  static void Main(string[] args)
            String FORM_NAME = Application.StartupPath + "\\..\\..\\..\\..\\..\\TestFiles\\SampleForm.pdf";
   // Initialize Acrobat by cretaing App object.
   CAcroApp acroApp = new AcroAppClass();
   // Show Acrobat Viewer

   // Create an AVDoc object
   CAcroAVDoc avDoc = new AcroAVDocClass();

   // Open the pdf
   if(!avDoc.Open (FORM_NAME, ""))
    string szMsg = "Cannot open" + FORM_NAME + ".\n";

   // Create a IAFormApp object, so that we can access the form fields in
   // the open document
   IAFormApp formApp = new AFormAppClass();

   // Get the IFields object associated with the form
   IFields myFields = (IFields)formApp.Fields;

   // Get the IEnumerator object for myFields
   IEnumerator myEnumerator = myFields.GetEnumerator();

   bool bFound = false;

   // Fill the "Name" field with value "John Doe"
    // Get the IField object
    IField myField = (IField)myEnumerator.Current;

    // If the field is "Name", set it's value to "John Doe"
    if(myField.Name == "Name")
     bFound = true;
     myField.Value = "John Doe";

    Console.WriteLine("Sucessfully changed the \"Name\" field value to \"John Doe\".");
    Console.WriteLine("Failed to locate the \"Name\" field in the form.");


Level 8

If you are running the FillFormCS sample code without any changes to the logic, then make sure of the following:

1. The path to the file is correct with proper escaping, like this "c:\\folder\\filename.pdf"

2. The file exists,

3. Ensure the file is opened and give it enough time to load completely,

4. Debug step by step, and wait for a few sconds before executing the line where it fails,

5. Before you starting the application using "F5", kill all the tasks named "Acrobat.exe" from Windows task manager.

6. Call Show() after the Open(), not before.

If you have done all the steps above and still there is error, then there is a problem with Acorbat 9 Prof. Try Acrobat Prof 7.0.5.

Also, try following the sample I provided you. I used Acorbat Prof. 7.0.5 SDK to get this code and tested successfully under Adobe Acorbat 7.0.5. If it does not work with you, then this is an issue in Acrobat 9.

Also, you can get Acrobat SDK Paid Support by contacting europartners@adobe.com

Good luck.



Level 8

I have developed a Simple Class to defined and render a PDF Form. It will simplify your job to a great extent:

Imports System.IO
<Serializable()> _
Public Class AdobeLiveCycleForm

#Region "  Business Methods  "
    Private Shared mXDPHeader As String
    'Private mXDPData As String
    Private mXDPFooter
    Private mXDPData As Text.StringBuilder
    Private mDoWriteToFile As Boolean
    Private mFileName As String
    Private mOutputFile As StreamWriter

    Public ReadOnly Property XDPHeader() As String
            Return mXDPHeader
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Property XDPData() As String
            Return mXDPData.ToString
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As String)
            mXDPData.Length = 0
            If mDoWriteToFile Then
                mOutputFile = New System.IO.StreamWriter(mFileName, False, Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8)
                mOutputFile.Write(mXDPHeader & mXDPData.ToString)
            End If
        End Set
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property XDPFooter() As String
            Return mXDPFooter
        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property FileName() As String
            Return mFileName
        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property GetXDP() As String
            Return mXDPHeader & mXDPData.ToString & mXDPFooter
        End Get
    End Property

    Public Sub CloseXDP()
        If mDoWriteToFile Then
            mOutputFile = Nothing
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub CloseFile()
        If mDoWriteToFile Then
                mOutputFile = Nothing
            Catch ex As Exception

            End Try
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub InitStringBuilder()
        If mXDPData Is Nothing Then
            mXDPData = New Text.StringBuilder
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub AppendXDPData(ByVal NewXDPData As String)
        If mDoWriteToFile Then
            mXDPData.Length = 0
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub Render(ByVal WebResponse As System.Web.HttpResponse)
        WebResponse.ContentType = "application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml"
        If mDoWriteToFile Then
        End If
    End Sub

#End Region

#Region " Constructors "
    Public Sub New(ByVal XDPFormLink As String)
        Dim strXMLBuilder As Text.StringBuilder = New Text.StringBuilder

        If String.IsNullOrEmpty(mXDPHeader) Then
            ' Build the Constant XDP Header which is common for all forms
            strXMLBuilder.Length = 0
            strXMLBuilder.Append("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>")
            strXMLBuilder.Append("<?xfa generator='AdobeDesigner_V7.0' APIVersion='2.2.4333.0'?>")
            strXMLBuilder.Append("<xdp:xdp xmlns:xdp='http://ns.adobe.com/xdp/'>")
            strXMLBuilder.Append("<xfa:datasets xmlns:xfa='http://www.xfa.org/schema/xfa-data/1.0/'>")
            mXDPHeader = strXMLBuilder.ToString
        End If


        ' Build the XDP Footer part
        strXMLBuilder.Length = 0
        ' Point the XPD to the PDF Form created under Adobe LiveCycle Desinger
        strXMLBuilder.Append("<pdf href='" & XDPFormLink & "' xmlns='http://ns.adobe.com/xdp/pdf/' />")
        ' Close the XPD File
        mDoWriteToFile = False
        mXDPFooter = strXMLBuilder.ToString
    End Sub

    Public Sub New(ByVal XDPFormLink As String, ByVal OutputFilePath As String)
        mFileName = OutputFilePath
        mOutputFile = New System.IO.StreamWriter(mFileName, False, Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8)
        mDoWriteToFile = True
    End Sub

    Private Sub New()

    End Sub
#End Region

    Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()
            If Not mOutputFile Is Nothing Then
            End If
        Catch ex As Exception
            mOutputFile = Nothing
        End Try
    End Sub
End Class

Also, I developed this "LabRequestReport" class, which uses the above class, also, it uses "XmlDocument" object to generate the XML, much more simplere than before:

Imports System.Xml
Namespace Clinic

    Public Class LabReport01PDF
        Inherits AdobeLiveCycleForm

        Public Sub New(ByVal theLabRequestID As String)
            Dim theLabRequest As LabRequest
            Dim theLabItem As LabRequestItem
            Dim theLabItems As Csla.SortedBindingList(Of LabRequestItem) = Nothing
            Dim theStaffBasicInfo As StaffBasicInfo
            Dim theLastCatg As String
            Dim CurrCatg As String
            Dim theXML As XmlDocument
            Dim xmlDecl As XmlDeclaration
            Dim theLabInfo As XmlElement
            Dim theLabGroup As XmlElement
            Dim theNode As XmlElement
            Dim theLabReport01 As XmlElement
            Dim theTableData As XmlElement = Nothing
            Dim theTableDataRow As XmlElement = Nothing

            ' Generate XML String which will be used as a DataSource for the
            ' LabReport01.PDF LiveCycle Form.
            ' The output XML must match the Sample XML File "LabReportTestData.xml".
            theLabRequest = LabRequest.GetLabRequest(theLabRequestID)
            theStaffBasicInfo = StaffBasicInfo.GetStaffBasicInfo2(theLabRequest.PatientID)
            theXML = New Xml.XmlDocument()
            'initialize the report master data
            theLabReport01 = theXML.CreateElement("LabReport01")
            theLabInfo = theXML.CreateElement("LabInfo")

            theNode = theXML.CreateElement("StaffID")
            theNode.InnerText = theLabRequest.PatientID

            theNode = theXML.CreateElement("Name")
            theNode.InnerText = theLabRequest.PatientName

            theNode = theXML.CreateElement("Dept")
            theNode.InnerText = theStaffBasicInfo.StaffDept

            theNode = theXML.CreateElement("Sex")
            theNode.InnerText = theStaffBasicInfo.StaffSex

            theNode = theXML.CreateElement("DoB")
            theNode.InnerText = theStaffBasicInfo.DOB

            theNode = theXML.CreateElement("Nationality")
            theNode.InnerText = theStaffBasicInfo.Nationality

            theNode = theXML.CreateElement("Doctor")
            theNode.InnerText = theLabRequest.DoctorName

            theNode = theXML.CreateElement("LabDate")
            theNode.InnerText = theLabRequest.LabRequestDateDMYStr

            theNode = theXML.CreateElement("LabNo")
            theNode.InnerText = theLabRequest.LabRequestID

            theNode = theXML.CreateElement("ReportDate")
            theNode.InnerText = Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt").ToLower

            theNode = theXML.CreateElement("Comment")
            theNode.InnerText = theLabRequest.LabComments

            theNode = theXML.CreateElement("Tech")
            theNode.InnerText = theLabRequest.TechnicianName

            'populate the report with the item details
            'create a sorted list of lab result items
            If Not theLabRequest.RequestItems Is Nothing Then
                theLabItems = New Csla.SortedBindingList(Of LabRequestItem)(theLabRequest.RequestItems)
                theLabItems.ApplySort("LabReport01Sort", ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Ascending)
            End If
            theLastCatg = "*"
            theLabGroup = Nothing
            For Each theLabItem In theLabItems
                CurrCatg = theLabItem.LabTestCatg

                If theLastCatg = "*" Or theLastCatg <> CurrCatg Then
                    'create Group if first time or there is a break
                    If Not theLabGroup Is Nothing Then
                        'if this is not the first time, append the last group
                        'to the Lab Report
                    End If
                    'initialize group header and Table Data
                    theLabGroup = theXML.CreateElement("LabGroup")
                    theNode = theXML.CreateElement("Lab")
                    theNode.InnerText = theLabItem.LabTestCatg
                    theTableData = theXML.CreateElement("TableData")
                End If

                'populate the table data with Lab Results.
                theTableDataRow = theXML.CreateElement("TableDataRow")
                theNode = theXML.CreateElement("TestCode")
                theNode.InnerText = theLabItem.LabTestName

                theNode = theXML.CreateElement("Result")
                theNode.InnerText = theLabItem.LabTestResult

                theNode = theXML.CreateElement("RefRange")
                theNode.InnerText = theLabItem.RefRange


                theLastCatg = CurrCatg
            If Not theLabGroup Is Nothing Then
                'this is the last group, append it to the Lab Report
            End If
            xmlDecl = theXML.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", Nothing)
            'theXML.InsertBefore(xmlDecl, theLabReport01)
            Me.XDPData = theXML.InnerXml
        End Sub

    End Class
End Namespace

Finally, to generate the LabReport, the following code is used :

        Protected Sub btnTestLabReport_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTestLabReport.Click
            Dim theLabRequest As LabRequest
            Dim theLabReport As LabReport01PDF
            theLabRequest = GetLabRequest()
            theLabReport = New LabReport01PDF(theLabRequest.LabRequestID)
        End Sub

I hope this will be of help to all of you.



Former Community Member

thanks this is really good...

Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 08:46:12 -0600

From: forums@adobe.com

To: vidya_radkrish@hotmail.com

Subject: Using Adobe LiveCycle Designer with ASP.NET to populate PDF Forms from Server Database.

I have developed a Simple Class to defined and render a PDF Form. It will simplify your job to a great extent:

Imports System.IO

<Serializable()> _

Public Class AdobeLiveCycleForm

#Region " Business Methods "

Private Shared mXDPHeader As String

'Private mXDPData As String

Private mXDPFooter

Private mXDPData As Text.StringBuilder

Private mDoWriteToFile As Boolean

Private mFileName As String

Private mOutputFile As StreamWriter

Public ReadOnly Property XDPHeader() As String


Return mXDPHeader

End Get

End Property

Public Property XDPData() As String


Return mXDPData.ToString

End Get

Set(ByVal value As String)

mXDPData.Length = 0


If mDoWriteToFile Then



mOutputFile = New System.IO.StreamWriter(mFileName, False, Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8)

mOutputFile.Write(mXDPHeader & mXDPData.ToString)

End If

End Set

End Property

Public ReadOnly Property XDPFooter() As String


Return mXDPFooter

End Get

End Property

Public ReadOnly Property FileName() As String


Return mFileName

End Get

End Property

Public ReadOnly Property GetXDP() As String


Return mXDPHeader & mXDPData.ToString & mXDPFooter

End Get

End Property

Public Sub CloseXDP()

If mDoWriteToFile Then





mOutputFile = Nothing

End If

End Sub

Public Sub CloseFile()

If mDoWriteToFile Then





mOutputFile = Nothing

Catch ex As Exception

End Try

End If

End Sub

Private Sub InitStringBuilder()

If mXDPData Is Nothing Then

mXDPData = New Text.StringBuilder

End If

End Sub

Public Sub AppendXDPData(ByVal NewXDPData As String)


If mDoWriteToFile Then


mXDPData.Length = 0

End If

End Sub

Public Sub Render(ByVal WebResponse As System.Web.HttpResponse)

WebResponse.ContentType = "application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml"

If mDoWriteToFile Then





End If


End Sub

#End Region

#Region " Constructors "

Public Sub New(ByVal XDPFormLink As String)

Dim strXMLBuilder As Text.StringBuilder = New Text.StringBuilder

If String.IsNullOrEmpty(mXDPHeader) Then


' Build the Constant XDP Header which is common for all forms


strXMLBuilder.Length = 0

strXMLBuilder.Append("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>")

strXMLBuilder.Append("<?xfa generator='AdobeDesigner_V7.0' APIVersion='2.2.4333.0'?>")

strXMLBuilder.Append("<xdp:xdp xmlns:xdp='http://ns.adobe.com/xdp/'>")

strXMLBuilder.Append("<xfa:datasets xmlns:xfa='http://www.xfa.org/schema/xfa-data/1.0/'>")


mXDPHeader = strXMLBuilder.ToString

End If



' Build the XDP Footer part


strXMLBuilder.Length = 0




' Point the XPD to the PDF Form created under Adobe LiveCycle Desinger


strXMLBuilder.Append("<pdf href='" & XDPFormLink & "' xmlns='http://ns.adobe.com/xdp/pdf/' />")


' Close the XPD File



mDoWriteToFile = False

mXDPFooter = strXMLBuilder.ToString

End Sub

Public Sub New(ByVal XDPFormLink As String, ByVal OutputFilePath As String)


mFileName = OutputFilePath

mOutputFile = New System.IO.StreamWriter(mFileName, False, Text.UTF8Encoding.UTF8)

mDoWriteToFile = True


End Sub

Private Sub New()

End Sub

#End Region

Protected Overrides Sub Finalize()



If Not mOutputFile Is Nothing Then




End If

Catch ex As Exception


mOutputFile = Nothing

End Try

End Sub

End Class

Also, I developed this "LabRequestReport" class, which uses the above class, also, it uses "XmlDocument" object to generate the XML, much more simplere than before:

Imports System.Xml

Namespace Clinic

Public Class LabReport01PDF

Inherits AdobeLiveCycleForm

Public Sub New(ByVal theLabRequestID As String)


Dim theLabRequest As LabRequest

Dim theLabItem As LabRequestItem

Dim theLabItems As Csla.SortedBindingList(Of LabRequestItem) = Nothing

Dim theStaffBasicInfo As StaffBasicInfo

Dim theLastCatg As String

Dim CurrCatg As String

Dim theXML As XmlDocument

Dim xmlDecl As XmlDeclaration

Dim theLabInfo As XmlElement

Dim theLabGroup As XmlElement

Dim theNode As XmlElement

Dim theLabReport01 As XmlElement

Dim theTableData As XmlElement = Nothing

Dim theTableDataRow As XmlElement = Nothing


' Generate XML String which will be used as a DataSource for the

' LabReport01.PDF LiveCycle Form.


' The output XML must match the Sample XML File "LabReportTestData.xml".


theLabRequest = LabRequest.GetLabRequest(theLabRequestID)

theStaffBasicInfo = StaffBasicInfo.GetStaffBasicInfo2(theLabRequest.PatientID)

theXML = New Xml.XmlDocument()

'initialize the report master data

theLabReport01 = theXML.CreateElement("LabReport01")

theLabInfo = theXML.CreateElement("LabInfo")

theNode = theXML.CreateElement("StaffID")

theNode.InnerText = theLabRequest.PatientID


theNode = theXML.CreateElement("Name")

theNode.InnerText = theLabRequest.PatientName


theNode = theXML.CreateElement("Dept")

theNode.InnerText = theStaffBasicInfo.StaffDept


theNode = theXML.CreateElement("Sex")

theNode.InnerText = theStaffBasicInfo.StaffSex


theNode = theXML.CreateElement("DoB")

theNode.InnerText = theStaffBasicInfo.DOB


theNode = theXML.CreateElement("Nationality")

theNode.InnerText = theStaffBasicInfo.Nationality


theNode = theXML.CreateElement("Doctor")

theNode.InnerText = theLabRequest.DoctorName


theNode = theXML.CreateElement("LabDate")

theNode.InnerText = theLabRequest.LabRequestDateDMYStr


theNode = theXML.CreateElement("LabNo")

theNode.InnerText = theLabRequest.LabRequestID


theNode = theXML.CreateElement("ReportDate")

theNode.InnerText = Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt").ToLower


theNode = theXML.CreateElement("Comment")

theNode.InnerText = theLabRequest.LabComments


theNode = theXML.CreateElement("Tech")

theNode.InnerText = theLabRequest.TechnicianName



'populate the report with the item details

'create a sorted list of lab result items

If Not theLabRequest.RequestItems Is Nothing Then

theLabItems = New Csla.SortedBindingList(Of LabRequestItem)(theLabRequest.RequestItems)

theLabItems.ApplySort("LabReport01Sort", ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Ascending)

End If

theLastCatg = "*"

theLabGroup = Nothing

For Each theLabItem In theLabItems

CurrCatg = theLabItem.LabTestCatg

If theLastCatg = "*" Or theLastCatg <> CurrCatg Then

'create Group if first time or there is a break

If Not theLabGroup Is Nothing Then

'if this is not the first time, append the last group

'to the Lab Report



End If

'initialize group header and Table Data

theLabGroup = theXML.CreateElement("LabGroup")

theNode = theXML.CreateElement("Lab")

theNode.InnerText = theLabItem.LabTestCatg


theTableData = theXML.CreateElement("TableData")

End If

'populate the table data with Lab Results.

theTableDataRow = theXML.CreateElement("TableDataRow")

theNode = theXML.CreateElement("TestCode")

theNode.InnerText = theLabItem.LabTestName


theNode = theXML.CreateElement("Result")

theNode.InnerText = theLabItem.LabTestResult


theNode = theXML.CreateElement("RefRange")

theNode.InnerText = theLabItem.RefRange



theLastCatg = CurrCatg


If Not theLabGroup Is Nothing Then

'this is the last group, append it to the Lab Report



End If


xmlDecl = theXML.CreateXmlDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", Nothing)

'theXML.InsertBefore(xmlDecl, theLabReport01)

Me.XDPData = theXML.InnerXml

End Sub

End Class

End Namespace

I hope this will be of help to all of you.



Level 1

Hi Tarek,

   Thanks for this wonderful forum as it helped me achieving 1st part of prepopulating the values in pdf form from ASP.NET.

Currently when I call pdf form from ASP .Net , it launches Acrobat reader and displays the PDF with pre-populated value. However when I try to submit the form again using following code :

event.target.submitForm( {cURL: "http:/localhost:4147:/website3/default.aspx", aPackets:

["datasets","pdf"], cSubmitAs: "XDP"});

Acrobat reader gives the error "Nothing done" and it's not going ahead.

Do we need any server component for this ? We are only using Adobe Live Cycle designer ( Acrobat Pro ) but not using Reader externsion.

Your reply would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,



Level 8


I am glad you found it useful.

There is error in the URL, just in case, it must read as follows:

event.target.submitForm( );

Also, if you are submitting to a local website running under Visual

Studio webserver (F5), then this is not a good idea.

Deploy the website to a local virtual directory under IIS (it works on

XP) and try again.

Also, try this, it may work:

event.target.submitForm( );

I mean use relative path which is relative to the current page.

Finally, I think you should use a reader-enabled PDF to allow submit a

PDF under Adobe Reader. You must have Acrobat Prof. Client or LiveCycle

Reader Extension Server (LRES) to reader enable the PDF form. The LCRES

will give you more options for "Reader Enable" a PDF, when compared with


I hope this helps.


On Thu, 22 Jul 2010 10:12 -0600, "mclarenriderA" <forums@adobe.com


Level 8

Sorry Anup, I just found out that there were errors in my last postings probably becuase I replied from my email directly. It should read as follows:

I am glad you found it useful.

There is error in the URL, just in case, it must read as follows:

     event.target.submitForm( {cURL: "http:/localhost:4147/website3/default.aspx", aPackets:

Also, if you are submitting to a local website running under Visual Studio webserver (F5), then this is not a good idea.

It will be better Deploy the website to a local virtual directory under IIS (it works on XP) and try again.

Also, try this, it may work:

event.target.submitForm({cURL: "website3/default.aspx", aPackets: ["datasets","pdf"], cSubmitAs: "XDP"}); );

I mean use relative path which is relative to the current page.

Finally, I think you should use a reader-enabled PDF to allow submit a

PDF under Adobe Reader. You must have Acrobat Prof. Client or LiveCycle

Reader Extension Server (LRES) to reader enable the PDF form. The LCRES

will give you more options for "Reader Enable" a PDF, when compared with


I hope this helps.


["datasets","pdf"], cSubmitAs: "XDP"});


Level 1

Hi Guys,


I really need your help. I'm a newbie in Adobe LiveCycle I’m running out of time to finish my project. By the way I’m using asp.net with vb language in my web application (.Net Framework 2.0).

The following at the things that I want to achieve:

1.       Populate the pdf file (the pdf file is already existing) with the data from database and invoke the pdf reader to open the populated pdf file.

2.       What are the libraries or software that I need to install to achieve the item no. 1 and where I can download it?

Hope you can help me because my job is at stake here if can't finish this project.

Any help is much appreciated.


Level 8

If you go through this thread from the beginning, you will get the complete answer.

In short, you need:

1. Adobe LiveCycle Desinger, to desing the forms.

2. Adobe Reader, this will give you minimum features,

3. Adobe Acrobat, if you want more features at the end-user side,

4. Adobe LiveCycle Reader Extensions Server, if you need more feature for users with Adobe Reader Only.

5. Write the program to generate the XDP String on the server using ASP.NET and use response.write to send the string to the client (IE or Firefox).

I hope this helps.



Level 1

Hi tarek,

     Thank you so much for the reply.


     I tried all the source code that you provided but none of them is working on my side.


     The pdf file is already created and I want to modify the value of a certain field. From my web application I will open that pdf file there is no other thing that the user can do. the user can only view it. Please provide me some code on how to do this, I know it is too much and I apologize for it. I really dont have a knowledge on this. If you want you can drop me an email at sterling_sting_0069@yahoo.com so that I can send you the pdf file. I think that pdf file is somewhat complicated.

I really need your help.


Level 8

Please upload the PDF to a shared space like Google Docs, and post the link back.

Also, based on my last post, please provide complete details, as much as you can, about what you have done, and how. What tools and software you are using. Also, post the code you have tried and did not work, and how your code was deployed.



Level 1

HI tarek,

     What I'm what to do is to populate the data that I retrieve from the database and populate it in the pdf file and open it using adobe reader so that the user can see the result. The pdf file is provided to us by other groups.

This are the tools that I'm using right now;

     Visual Studio 2005

     Adobe Reader 9 (Installed in my laptop)

     Adobe LiveCycle Designer ES2

I open the pdf file in Adobe LiveCycle Designer  and copy the the xml source and save it as text file(IPC-1752-2_v1.1.txt).

I tried to upload the pdf file but even google cannot convert it to there own format.

If it is okay for you to provide me your email address so that I can send to you the pdf file ans the same time the text file that I use.

Thank you so much.


Dim objStreamReader As New StreamReader(Server.MapPath("formats\IPC-1752-2_v1.1.txt"))

Dim strLine As String

Dim strXML As String = ""


Response.ContentType =


'Read the first line of text.

strLine = objStreamReader.ReadLine

'Continue to read until you reach the end of the file.

Do While Not strLine Is Nothing

strXML += strLine

'Read the next line.

strLine = objStreamReader.ReadLine


' Close the XPD File




Catch ex As Exception


'Close the file.


End Try


Level 8

Hi rp_0069,

No, this is not the way.

You need to spend some effort, and review this thread more carefully.

You must build the XML String from scratch, manually. The string has 3 parts:

1. Header (fixed),

2. Data (XML representing the data fields on the form and the values). So if the form has Text Field named "CustomerName" in the binding tab, then the XML Data Part can be somthing like this:


  <CustomerName>Some Name Here</CustomerName>


Also, you can rename the root node of the Form in the hierarchy view from "form1" to "root" to make it more meaningful.

3. Footer: which has the URL pointer to the empty LiveCycle PDF Form.

Also, make sure you are working with a web site or web project, and put the code inside the Page Load Event.

I have developed a class wrapper which will make your job easier. See the thread again.

Do a simple test on a simple form with one text field, and try again.



Level 1

Hi tarek,

     How can I create an empty LiveCycle PDF Form? You mean I can't use the pdf file that I'm using right now?

I tried the code below and it open the pdf file in adobe reader but the field is not populated.

Thank you so much for your continuing support.


Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

Dim CompName As String = "Sample Company Name"

Dim strXML As String

'Set Content Type for using XDP

Response.ContentType =


'Constant XDP Header

strXML =

"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>"

strXML +=

"<?xfa generator='AdobeLiveCycleDesignerES_V9.' APIVersion='3.1.9277.0'?>"

strXML = strXML &

"<xdp:xdp xmlns:xdp='http://ns.adobe.com/xdp/'>"

strXML = strXML &

"<xfa:datasets xmlns:xfa='http://www.xfa.org/schema/xfa-data/1.0/'>"

strXML = strXML &


strXML = strXML &


strXML = strXML &


strXML = strXML &


strXML = strXML &


strXML = strXML &


strXML = strXML &

"<text>" & CompName & "</text>"

strXML = strXML &


strXML = strXML &


strXML = strXML &


strXML = strXML &


strXML = strXML &


strXML = strXML &


strXML = strXML &


' Point the XPD to the PDF Form created under Adobe LiveCycle Desinger

strXML = strXML &

"<pdf href='" & Server.MapPath("formats/IPC-1752-2_v1.1.pdf") & "' xmlns='http://ns.adobe.com/xdp/pdf/' />"

' Close the XPD File

strXML = strXML &





End Sub


Level 8

Ok, now you are making some progress.

Check the following:

1. The mepty PDF is the same PDF but without data in it, or with minimum data as per your need.

2. Make a simple form with one text field "CompanyName". Open the PDF in Acrobat/Reader, and fill some data.

3. Used the menu option Forms/Export Data to XML File. I am not sure if you are allowed to export the Data from Reader.

4. Open the File in the browser or Notepad (you can use nice free tool from Microsoft Download called XML Notepad).

5. Examine the file and how it looks in XML. See how root Form and the nested Nodes inside are strucutred. Change the Field Value inside the XML Text File, save it, and import it back to the PDF. You should notice the field value is changed.

6. The Data Part of the XDP String must be exactly what you see in the exported XML File from Adobe Acrobat/Reader. You only need to strip out the first line which is the XML Declaration or something like that. You must start with the root node, which is the name of the root XFA inside your PDF. By default it is "form1".

7. The pointer to the empty PDF is the URL which must look like this  http://blabla/MyTemplate.PDF . So you must put your PDF inside the WWW Virtual Folder of your website. Then, try to browse to this file from IE. After you get the URL, just copy/past in your XML String in ASP.NET.



Level 1

Hi tarek,

     Thank you so much for your help, I'm able to populate now the pdf file.

     One more thing, I want to automatically save the populated pdf file to my local machine without any user intervention.

How can I achieved this thing?




Level 8

Glad I was able to help.

What you are asking for can be done, but there is no direct easy way. The best option is to add a Submit button on the form, submit the form using Javascrip inside the PDF, and inside ASP.NET, you receive the Request content, process it, and save the PDF on any Folder which can be accessed from the Server Machine. This folder can be any folder even shared network folder. After that, you can provide a link to the user to open the saved PDF and then he can decide to save it to any place. This way, you can keep a record and track the User Operation "Save the PDF", also, you have a copy of the PDF on the Server, and finally, the user can also get this copy.

Remember that you are working with Web Applications, and the program under Web are not allowed to save on the client machine without a prompt ! This is for security reasons.

Maybe you want to try using fdftoolkit.net.



Level 1

Hi tarek,

     Thank you so much for your help, I'm able now to populate the pdf file.

     I need you help again, is it possible to sign the pdf file using the xml or xfa or using the source code that you have posted?

     I review the sourcode that you posted but there is no example that sign the pdf file.

     Hope you can help me again.




Level 1

I am glad I was able to help.

You you mean you want to sing the PDF using code (programatically) ? Write javascript codes to sign the document in the background ?

If Yes, you have to tell me at what time the code should triggered ?

As a mater of fact, I have not done that before. I will have to spend some time to research this matter.

In the mean time, please confirm my questions above.



Level 1

Hi tarek,

     You are correct.


     What I want to achieve is that, to sign the pdf programatically from my code behind. I'm using asp.net vb language.


     I have a button in my aspx page. When I click that button I want to populate the pdfl file at the same time sign the pdf file using a signature file.


     I'm able now to populate the pdf file but the problem is that I don't how to sign in programatically.

Thank so much for your response.




Level 1

I have never done that before.

I think you need to use a tool like fdftoolkit.net, or use some Server Product from Adobe which is called maybe LiveCycle Digital Signatures or something like that.

Also, you can use Acrobat .NET DLL and sign the form from .NET Windows Application. You have to use IAC/OLE Acrobat Technology for that. But, you cannot use it from a web application due to licensing restrictions.

If anyone else has any other idea, please let is know.
