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Ungroup a Radio Button List


Level 1
I have a form with questions and radio buttons for Yes, No and N/A. It turns out that in the creation of the form, I grouped lines of the radio buttons together (gathered, copied and pasted them). Now each line is not exclusive because they are part of a radio button list. How can I ungroup the rows and hopefully make each line exclusive? I already selected the RadioButtonList and right-clicked - no option for what I want to do appeared. Also when selected I went to the Layout menu, but "Ungroup" was grayed out.

Thanks, Leah
2 Replies


Former Community Member
In the heirarchy view you can drag and drop the Radio Buttons out of the group.


Level 1
Thanks, Paul

I wasn't able to drag them in the Heirarchy menu, but I did figure out that I should have been "Duplicating" instead of copying and pasting. This is a fascinating program and I have signed up for the digest and look forward to receiving it and learning more!
