In case the JBoss console output is useful, here is the
output from the LCDS classes:
17:44:47,898 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS]
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-Reactor1Writer,5,jboss] Connection
'20633739' starting a write.
17:44:47,898 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS]
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-Reactor1Writer,5,jboss] Connection
'20633739' finished a write. 33 bytes were
17:44:47,898 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS]
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-WorkerThread-1,5,jboss] received
message TCMessage [ Type: MsgCmd, Stream ID:
17:44:48,149 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS] Deserializing AMF/RTMP
Version: 0 "connect"
(Command method=connect (2) trxId=1.0)
(Object #0)
app = ""
flashVer = "WIN 9,0,124,0"
swfUrl = "
http://localhost:8080/template/FooDataServiceTest-debug/FooDataServiceTest2.swf" tcUrl = "rtmp://localhost:2038"
fpad = false
capabilities = 15.0
audioCodecs = 1639.0
videoCodecs = 252.0
videoFunction = 1.0
pageUrl = "
http://localhost:8080/template/FooDataServiceTest-debug/FooDataServiceTest2.html" objectEncoding = 3.0
(Typed Object #1 'flex.messaging.messages.CommandMessage')
operation = 5.0
correlationId = ""
body = (Object #2)
messageId = "3ACAC242-854B-7040-EEFB-70FEB89ED9F9"
clientId = null
destination = ""
timeToLive = 0.0
headers = (Object #3)
DSMessagingVersion = 1.0
DSId = "my-rtmp"
timestamp = 0.0
17:44:48,149 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS] Received command: TCCommand
[ Cmd: 2, MethodName: connect, TrxID: 1.0]
17:44:48,209 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS] Serializing AMF/RTMP
Version: 0
(Command method=_result (0) trxId=1)
(Object #0)
id = "FEDDF1EB-990B-626C-FBA1-24DBDF9563FC"
objectEncoding = 3.0
level = "status"
details = null
description = "Connection succeeded."
DSMessagingVersion = 1.0
code = "NetConnection.Connect.Success"
17:44:48,209 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS]
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-WorkerThread-1,5,jboss] registering
write interest for Connection '20633739'.
17:44:48,209 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS]
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-Reactor1,5,jboss] unregistering write
interest for Connection '20633739'.
17:44:48,209 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS]
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-Reactor1Writer,5,jboss] Connection
'20633739' starting a write.
17:44:48,209 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS]
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-Reactor1Writer,5,jboss] Connection
'20633739' finished a write. 235 bytes wer
e written.
17:44:48,209 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS]
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-WorkerThread-1,5,jboss] registering
read interest for Connection '20633739'.
17:44:48,219 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS]
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-WorkerThread-1,5,jboss] Connection
'20633739' finished a read. 2226 bytes wer
e read.
17:44:48,229 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS]
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-Reactor1,5,jboss] unregistering read
interest for Connection '20633739'.
17:44:48,229 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS]
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-WorkerThread-1,5,jboss] Connection
'20633739' starting a read.
17:44:48,229 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS]
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-WorkerThread-1,5,jboss] received
message TCMessage [ Type: MsgCmdEx, Stream I
D: 0]
17:44:48,239 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS] Deserializing AMF/RTMP
Version: 3 null
(Command method=null (0) trxId=2.0)
(Typed Object #0 'flex.messaging.messages.CommandMessage')
operation = 5
correlationId = ""
body = (Object #1)
messageId = "E4D9CF52-2AD1-6A5F-E895-70FEBFDBE7B2"
clientId = null
destination = "fooAssembler"
timeToLive = 0
headers = (Object #2)
DSEndpoint = "my-rtmp"
DSId = "FEDDF1EB-990B-626C-FBA1-24DBDF9563FC"
timestamp = 0
17:44:48,239 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS] Received command: TCCommand
[ Cmd: 0, MethodName: null, TrxID: 2.0]
17:44:48,249 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS] Serializing AMF/RTMP
Version: 3
(Command method=_result (0) trxId=2.0)
(Externalizable Object #0 'DSK')
(Object #1)
DSMessagingVersion = 1.0
DSId = "FEDDF1EB-990B-626C-FBA1-24DBDF9563FC"
(Byte Array #2, Length 16)
(Byte Array #3, Length 16)
(Byte Array #4, Length 16)
17:44:48,249 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS]
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-WorkerThread-1,5,jboss] registering
write interest for Connection '20633739'.
17:44:48,249 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS]
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-Reactor1,5,jboss] unregistering write
interest for Connection '20633739'.
17:44:48,249 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS]
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-WorkerThread-1,5,jboss] received
message TCMessage [ Type: MsgCmdEx, Stream I
D: 0]
17:44:48,249 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS] Deserializing AMF/RTMP
Version: 3 null
(Command method=null (0) trxId=3.0)
(Externalizable Object #0
(Object #1)
DSEndpoint = "my-rtmp"
DSId = "FEDDF1EB-990B-626C-FBA1-24DBDF9563FC"
(Byte Array #2, Length 16)
(Byte Array #3, Length 16)
(Object #4)
id = 2
17:44:48,279 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS] Received command: TCCommand
[ Cmd: 0, MethodName: null, TrxID: 3.0]
17:44:48,249 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS]
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-Reactor1Writer,5,jboss] Connection
'20633739' starting a write.
17:44:48,279 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS]
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-Reactor1Writer,5,jboss] Connection
'20633739' finished a write. 183 bytes wer
e written.
17:44:48,389 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS] Committed transaction
17:44:48,409 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS] Serializing AMF/RTMP
Version: 3
(Command method=_error (0) trxId=3.0)
(Typed Object #0 'flex.messaging.messages.ErrorMessage')
headers = (Object #1)
rootCause = null
body = null
correlationId = "2074DF18-D2EA-03D2-6E54-70FEB8948E49"
faultDetail = null
faultString = "There was an unhandled failure on the server.
clientId = "F0223A68-BD80-ED4B-1390-70FEB1B1128E"
timeToLive = 0.0
destination = "fooAssembler"
timestamp = 1.217371488399E12
extendedData = null
faultCode = "Server.Processing"
messageId = "FEDDF41D-1F0A-A0D7-9DED-D7D7AB39AF51"
17:44:48,409 INFO [STDOUT] [LCDS]
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-WorkerThread-1,5,jboss] registering
write interest for Connection '20633739'.