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tutorial use and setting problems


Former Community Member
Hello, i have to work on LiveCycle Server to put a drm in a pdf file.<br /><br />Our application is installed on windows server 2003 with Jboss and Mysql.<br /><br />I have access to livecycle by : http://ipadress:8080/adminui. I create a policy named "Test".<br /><br />Now, I don't know how to put the drm in a pdf file. In acrobat, I can't connect to my server. avanced > secure > connection with live cycle.<br />Host: ipadress, Port: 8080. No connection because it want https.<br /><br />So, I create a secure port : https://ipadress:8443 with this parameters:<br />keytool-genkey-keyalg RSA-dname "CN = <yourserver>, OU = , O = <votre org>, L = <ville>, S = <state>, C = <country>" alias " certains Cert "-keypass 123456-keystore aps.keystore<br />In the first time, I don't write my ipadress on "CN".<br />I can go to livecycle but acrobat doesn't connect again. <br />In the second time, I write my ipadress on "CN".<br />I can't go to livecycle and i can't test with acrobat.<br /><br />So, I search on the web, if someone can help me. I would just to put a drm on a pdf files with livecycle rights managments on line (with server) and i don't know if my setting or if my using are bad.<br /><br />Thank for your help
16 Replies


Level 10
What's you email address?

I have part a doc that's is not an official Adobe docuument, but that could be useful to setup up the environment right.



Former Community Member
Thank for you document.

i have some remaks :

When you write -alias you have to put the ".." .

For me the keystore is not a .jsk but a .keystore.

I did the 3 step with succes.

I modified the server.xml

In internet explorer, i did all the step with succes.

For the Part 2, I can connect to https://ipadress:8443/edc/Main.do but I don't have the login and password. It's differents from login of LiveCycle.

But, in LiveCyle, I go to (it's in french) Service > LiveCycle Rights Management ES > configuration > Configuration du serveur.

Here, I modify *URL de base : http://localhost:8080 by https://ipadress:8443.

Now, i can connect to LiveCcyle with htpps protocole.

But, my problem is always present : Acorbat doesn't want to connect to the server https://ipadress:8443.

Thank for your help


Former Community Member
I don't know... Acrobat tell me, when I want to connect to the server : "Acrobat can't connect to the server https://ipadress:8443. Verify your connection and try again"


Level 10
Is Acrobat on the same machine as the IE you imported the cert into? Acrobat actually uses a browser to connect to Rights Management so you need to make sure the cert is added in IE on the same machine where you use Acrobat.

Do you get any "security" warnings when you connect to LC using the browser?



Former Community Member
No it's no the same. I have to import the certificate (LC_cert.cer) on the machine which use Acrobat?

Can I import the cert by the network or bay copy/paste the file on the machine ?

Thank for your help.

I test now.


Former Community Member
It's wonderfull!! I can connect acorbat with the server!!

Thank you very much!!!

But know I have a second problem...

When I choose Policy server, Acorbat send me to a IE page :


with Login and password. But these are not those of the server user, the client user and the LiveCycle User.

Is there a relationship with the keypass of keytool? If yes, I know the password that I have returned but not the login

Thank again for your help


Level 10
There is no relathionship with the keypass or keytool. The only reason you use the keytool is to enable SSL. Once that's working, you're done with that.

All authentication is managed by LiveCycle User Manager. You can see the list of users under Settings/User Management/Users and Groups in adminui.

Now you also need to make sure the users have the "LiveCycle Rights Management End User" role associated to them in order to access the web interface. You can also set that though adminu.



Former Community Member
Ok thank, I create a user and i can connect acrobat with the server.

Thank a lot!!


Former Community Member

I'm facing same trouble with RM.

I've got LCES server running on jboss with SSL enabled.

Can connect from IE without warnings, but still can't connect from Acrobat or RM Extension for Office.

Can you tell me the steps to fix this, or share the doc's about configuring Rights Management mentioned here?

mail: naota" at "mail.ru

Thank you!!


Level 10
If you hit https://nameofserver:8443/adminui,

do you get a prompt? If yes,you need to add the cert to the trust store.

Acrobat uses a browser to communicate to RM and if there's a prompt, it won't know what to do with it.

You basically need to make sure you've installed the cert.



Former Community Member
Thank you for reply.

Yes, I'm installed the cert into trust store and after that I can enter on https://serverip:8443/adminui without any browser warnings.

Still can't make it from RM extension for MS Office.

Any suggestions?


Level 10
If you close the browser and hit the url again, do you get the promt or you just get to the page?



Former Community Member
It's just let me go to https without any warnings and prompts.


Former Community Member

I do face the same problem of connecting Acrobat with the LSRM server to get the server settings so that i could get the policies that are there in the server and assign it to the pdf...

When I enter the url https://serverip:8443/adminui in IE I do get the prompt"(Security alert)" informing that "I am abt to view a page over a secure conn"...

Can anyone pls give me information abt how to overcome this issue and can u pls tell that the certificate that was discussed in the earlier posts..

If you do have any helper doc regarding this pls send it to ukvignesh(at)gmail(dot)com...

