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Text Field problems


Former Community Member

I am working on a form that has been converted from a word document.

I am adding text fields where I have tables (made in word) and have choosen multiple lines. But for some reason the cursor is placed center left in the text field. I of course want the cursor to be Top Left. According to the help files i should go to Layout Tab and to Caption to fix this, but the Caption option is greyed out and i can use it. As a mouseover on the Caption it says:

"Option not avaliable in forms with PDF artwork"

I checked the help files for pdf artwork but could not figure out what i was doing wrong.

Can anyone help me?

In advance, Thank you :)
4 Replies


Level 4
Hi Torbjorn,

I found a document mentioning the pdf artwork:


pdf artwork means that you take the visible layout of for example a Word document and place interactive livecycle fields on top of it. At least that is how I understand it in the document.

What I would suggest to do (if the look does not have to be 100% equal to your original file) is begin your form from scratch. I always do it like that because this is the only way you have complete control over your form.



Level 4

you said:

According to the help files i should go to Layout Tab and to Caption to fix this, but the Caption option is greyed out and i can use it. As a mouseover on the Caption it says:

"Option not avaliable in forms with PDF artwork"

The thing you change with this is the caption of the textfield and not the positioning of the text itself, try the paragraph tab as I mentioned above. The caption is the text next to a fillible field telling the user what to fill in the field, for ex:

Name: ________

Name is here the caption.

Since you are creating your form from a Word document Designer takes the captions as provided by word, but I believe they are placed in statictext, so when you go to the Caption properties of a textfield they will not be available.




Former Community Member
Click on the field you want to modify. Now go to the Font palette (Window/Font or shift F4 if it is not visible). Just below the Font and Paragraph tabs on the font palette is a statement with a triangle in a circle. By default it says "Currently editing Caption and Value". Click on the triangle an change it to Edit Value. The text should change to "Currently editing Value properties". Now click on the paragraph tab. Choose the alignment you prefer. Save and test.

Hope that helps


Former Community Member
Thank you for the response, I really appriciate the quick response ahdn help i got :)

After reading your post Paul I had a look at what you mentioned ragarding "Currently editing Caption and Value". I can not change that setting because it is greyed out. It is however locked on "currently editing Value Properties". So what i did was to press the Align Top button and it was all fixed :)

So again, thank you very much :)