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Table header not repeating on multiple pages


Former Community Member
Can anyone explain and offer a solution to my table header continuation problem? My table is set to allow additional rows with add/delete buttons. In the Accessibility tab, its role is marked as "header row". In Object>Pagination tab, both "Include header in initial & subsequent pages" are checked. I have it listed as following previous and continuing following parent. Binding is set to normal. This table is NOT wrapped in any subforms.

When I test/preview my PDF, using the add buttons, it breaks over to a second page as it should, with the header row showing at the top. However, when you continue to add more rows, if the form carries over to 3 or more pages, the header row no longer shows at the top of my table/page.

What seems to be the issue??
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6 Replies


Level 5
One prominent way to handle this is separate Header and detail rows in to two subforms (Sub1, Sub2) and then use "Overflow Leader" under Pagination Tab in Object pallet (for Sub2) to set the header to print on top of every page break.


Former Community Member
Thank you SekharN! Rather than restructure my table, I played around with the settings a bit more. Seems my holdup was within the "Accessibility" tab. Rather than designating the role of my header as the "header row", I changed it to "body row" and tested to see if it made a difference. Success! While it makes no sense whatsoever, it works....and that's what I need.

Jotting this down as another goofy issue of Designer....


Former Community Member
I was too quick to post back what I thought was the answer....

Turns out that turning my header row into a "body row" as I noted above, DOES NOT fix the issue (surprise).

Still looking for a fix to the problem!


Former Community Member
I have similar issue ...

If I only have 1 header row on my table, the header row no longer shows at the top of my table/page after page 3 ...

if I have multiple header rows and group together, the header row will show correctly in all pages except on page 2 ...

anyone have same experience and know how to resolve it ?


Former Community Member
I am having the exact same problem as Edwardtse. Has anyone figured this out. I'm using Acrobat 8


Former Community Member
I had the same problem. The way I resolved it was to create a new master page that had the same header info as the subform. (You can cut and paste the table to the master page then delete the body rows.)

Then for that subform I set the overflow leader on the pagination page to that master page.

This is similar to what SekharN posted above.