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Some Query On Stall Actions


Former Community Member

I found out that some time because of mail server or LDAP server is not responding our Action is getting stalled.

Is there is any way by which Form Admin UI can automatically retry the stall action to submit one or two times instead of doing it manually.


9 Replies


Level 9
Hi Abhishek

No, there is no way of automatically retrying.

Some QPACs (such as the email receiver) do have the option of either stalling or continuing in the case of an error. You can then detect the error within your workflow, and put a loop into the workflow itself (incrementing a retry-count variable).

You could submit a feature request to add a facility to the LDAP/Email qpacs to automatically retry n times in the case of an error.

I am a little confused as to why you'd need this though - if LDAP is down, you wouldn't even be able to log into workflow, so the entire system is effectively down anyway????




Former Community Member
Hi Howard,

I just added LDAP i did not found such problem with LDAP.

But I found that some time my "emailwithAttachment"QPAC is makeing my action stalled but when I am retrying to submit from "adminui" it is submitting properly again onlysome time.

This type of action may lead to make some one to support all this application always and it will be costly to maintain it .




Level 9

What is the exact exception you're getting from the emailWithAttachment QPAC?

Please get it out of the log file, because there may be more than one exception and/or some debug output.



Former Community Member
Actually some time our mail server is not working at that time our action is getting stalled.

Our requirement is such that two process should happen parallel.

for ex. If A submit a form To B the notification should go to Set of users but if the mail server is not working it is not going to B.

But I do not want this should have any effect on mail server.

But my total process is not moveing I am using split branch with And wait

This is the error


at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.sendMessage(SMTPTransport.java:297)

at com.adobe.workflow.qpac.emailattachment.EmailAttachmentService.execute(EmailAttachmentService.java:234)

at com.adobe.workflow.engine.PEUtil.executeAction(PEUtil.java:184)

at com.adobe.workflow.engine.ProcessEngineBMTBean.continueBranchAtAction(ProcessEngineBMTBean.java:2320)

at com.adobe.workflow.engine.ProcessEngineBMTBean.asyncContinueBranchCommand(ProcessEngineBMTBean.java:1785)


Level 9

It's hard to tell for sure without more context, but the stack trace above does not look like a problem with your mail server.

It looks like you have connected to the mail server ok, but there is some problem with the email itself.

Is there a possibility, for example, that at the time you're trying to send this email, the attachment does not yet exist?



Former Community Member
Hi Howard,

The attachment is existing.

Can you tell me some better way to do parallel process and both shou

ld complete and independent to each other.

Is attachment is necessary with emailwithattachment QPAC?

Can I use emailreciver QPAC to avoid this issues?




Level 9

It is not necessary to have an attachment with the email qpac, as far as I know.

You cannot use the email receiver - this receives emails, doesn't send them.

Doing a parallel process the way you've described it is the only way I'm aware.

I suggest you have a detailed look at your server.log file - it may contain more information about exactly what's going wrong.



Former Community Member
Hi Howard,

Thanks for your reply You said attachment does not required then what does it mean "you're trying to send this email, the attachment does not yet exist? " I am using a renderform QPAC and then PDF I am sending as an attachment. If this may be issue can I put wait QPAC between render form and emailwithattachment ? may be server is not able to supply the PDF in such less time.

Is it possible.


Level 9

If you have a renderform qpac and then the email qpac following it immediately, there is no need to use a wait qpac. The render qpac will only continue on to the next step when it has finished doing its job.

If you have them in two different branches within a split, then they will both run "simultaneously", and one might finish before the other. I would use splits very hesitantly - I've built lots of workflows, and I've yet to find a need for one. It introduces a level of complexity and uncertainly in the workflow that is seldom warranted, in my opinion.

Are you sure that the renderform qpac is working? You can use our VariableLogger or DocumentExport to find out the values of your variables after the renderform and before the email. http://www.avoka.com/avoka/qpac_library.shtml My guess is that the document is null, and that's why the Email is failing. But this is just a guess - you'll have to experiment.

Good luck.


PS Post the full stack trace from your log file - it will hopefully contain more useful information.