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Setting up "test area on your Application Server" (JBoss) how????


Former Community Member
Not sure how to ask this question, but I set up the Forms Sample application (FormsIVS) and this note is present on the home page:

"Later, you will want to setup a test area on your Application Server with writable sub-directories for forms, data, and debug files. You will define where those directories are via the Preferences section of this Sample. Given that the facilities/restrictions between a Web Server and an Application Server can vary substantially, it is left to you to deposit your test forms and data into those server directories. "

I have a dumb question - how do I set up this test area on my Application Server? I am using JBoss (turnkey install with Workflow, Forms, Form Manager and ARES). I am a .Net programmer, so all this Java application server stuff is foreign to me at the moment. I will be reading up on it in the mean time, but if someone has a reference for me to help out, I would really appreciate, I don't even know where to begin right now!


8 Replies


Former Community Member
ok, after doing some googling, I guess I need to create this .ear file and then deploy it to JBoss like I did with the FormsIVS application. So now I just need to figure out how to do that....

Does this Flex application help with that?




Former Community Member
Hello - I guess everyone else seems to figure this all out, but just in case, I ran across this article: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/livecycle/articles/configureeclipse_mar16.pdf It's slightly old - talks about Forms 6 and older version of eclipse, but I got it all working!


Former Community Member
Hi Jennifer,

This is *exactly* what I want to do as well, but couldn't figure out how to do it.

We are using LiveCycle Forms 7.0.2. This still doesn't use the Eclipse engine, does it? You mention that you got it working by "adapting" that article. I couldn't see how I could send you a private message to learn how (I'm new to this board).

Care to share any of your experience with this task?



Former Community Member
Erik - make sure you get the right version of everything. I initially downloaded the latest copy of Eclipse and the other items mentioned to download and while I am sure that works with no problem, I am just not experienced enough in all this type of development to figure it out. I could probably fumble through it now that I have a better idea of how all this works, but I got it working now, so I am not touching it at them moment! :-)

In the article where it mentioned where to extract the files to - you will see all the version numbers listed there, so be sure to download those files.

I am guessing that may be the problem you are having? If not post back and I can try to help out if I can!



Former Community Member
Hi Jennifer,

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly on this!

I am new to the LiveCycle world, so I wanted to confirm a few things.

You did this with LiveCycle Forms V. 7.2? We also have an eval. version of ARES V. 7.2, and like you, we did the turnkey install with JBoss.

If I understand that article correctly, you have to install the Eclipse software with all the plug-ins mentioned. Then, you go throught the config settings and deploy it. The Eclipse is used to create servlets.

We would want a web front end for the dispaly of the form files. Does Eclipse create this via the J2EE module (web application)?

So many questions. If you would like to respond off-line from this forum, email me at erik.talgoyatservicecanada.gc.ca (make changes as neccesary ie: at). I couldn't find any where on this forum to send you a private message...



Level 9
Hi Eric and Jennifer

A couple of answers to your questions:

1. LC Forms is just an API - you have to build your own web application (or some other type of application) if you want your users to be able to interact with PDF forms.

2. You can use Eclipse to build web applications. It's just one of many tools for doing so, but it's a fantastic development environment, and it's free.

3. Lomboz no longer exists. It has been integrated directly into Eclipse as one of the sub-projects, "WebTools". The easiest way to install web tools is via the Callisto "packaging". This makes sure that you get all the right versions of everything you need. See:


4. The tutorial mentioned still provides some useful information, although names have been changed.

5. There are lots of books about developing Web Apps in Java, using servlets or JSP.

6. FormsIVS is just a small sample application that allows you to test rendering or prepopulating a form. It's not intended as an end-user product.

7. If you're interesting in some assistance, we do provide training, mentoring, and turnky application development. Send an email to info "at" avoka.com if you want more info.

Good luck...




Former Community Member
Has there been an update yet to the http://www.adobe.com/devnet/livecycle/articles/configureeclipse_mar16.pdf document?

If not, if one follows the document and downloads all the (old) versions specified, can they develop QPACs for workflow 7.2?

And if not, is there any plan to update this document for LiveCycle 7?


Level 9
Hi Michael

The document you refer to indicates how to set up Eclipse to develop custom applications using LiveCycle, NOT how to write QPACs.

If you want to develop QPACs, please refer to a document named: developing_custom_qpacs.pdf in the Workflow SDK.


