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Script Help


Former Community Member
Let me start off with letting you all know I am a novice at scripting.

with some help I was able to acquire the following script:

function addTimes(t1,t2,mod)



adds two times together

times in the form 08:30 or 8:30

mod=true for 12 hour clock, false for 24


var t1 = '12:30';

var t2 = '01:45';

var res=addTimes(t1,t2,false);


*returns 14:15*


var m = (t1.substring(0,t1.indexOf(':'))-0) * 60 +

(t1.substring(t1.indexOf(':')+1,t1.length)-0) +

(t2.substring(0,t2.indexOf(':'))-0) * 60 +


var h = Math.floor(m / 60);

m=m - (h * 60);



return h + ':' + m;


The function for this is to add to entered times together for a total time spent. In the form they are labeled:

Anj, Kld, and Fmr.

Anj and Kld would be added to get Fmr.

The script above is not working and when i do a simple math add the total comes up as a whole number and not rouning as time.

Please any help to get this to work will be appreciated
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