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Repeating Subform Problem


Former Community Member
I have a form with two subforms located on the same page. I have successfully connected to a database and created a report from the data. The problem that I am having is the data is not correlated. The first subform will display all of its data consecutively, then the second subform will display its data consecutively. I would like the subforms to be consecutively ordered before it moves to the next data record. Exampleif my form has the following data

Subform 1: Name, StreetAddress, City

Subform 2: State, ZipCode

If there are only two records the report now displays

Name from db record 1

StreetAddress - from db record 1

City - from db record 1

Name - from db record 2

StreetAddress - from db record 2

City - from db record 2

State - from db record 1

ZipCode - from db record 1

State - from db record 2

ZipCode - from db record 2

I would like it to display

Name from db record 1

StreetAddress - from db record 1

City - from db record 1

State - from db record 1

ZipCode - from db record 1

Name from db record 2

StreetAddress - from db record 2

City - from db record 2

State - from db record 2

ZipCode - from db record 2

Eventually this report will have many fields and the subforms will probably end up on different pages.

Any help would be greatly appreciated..or if youre in the same boat misery loves company.

2 Replies


Former Community Member
Problem Solved. I had to wrap the two subforms into another subform then make the parent subform the only one that repeats.



Former Community Member
I want to display all the records from a table to be displayed in the form. Can you tell me how you achieved the same? I use Designer 7.1