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Remoting Problems: Flex2, FDS, Apache, and Tomcat


Former Community Member
I'm in the process of adding a Flex 2/Flex Data Services
application to an application that is currently running
successfully under Apache, Tomcat, JAAS and SSL. I have 3 problems:

1. I'm losing my JAAS session credentials whenever my Flex
application uses FDS (e.g. when I hit the back button I have to log
in again). This only occurs when I access a remote object using
FDS. If I use a Flex application without FDS I'm able to hit back
and return to the page I started the app from.

2. I cannot connect to a remote object (using FDS) when I run
Tomcat on top of Apache. I get a Java exception in Tomcat stating
"...No configured channel has an endpoint path /messagebroker/amf".
The path listed in the exception is "/messagebroker/amf". However
in my services-config.xml I've spelled out the whole URI including
the HTTP and server name values. I compiled the .swf using this
endpoint uri value. When running just Tomcat I'm able to access my
remote object although I lose my credentials per 2 above.

3. I'm not an expert on any of these (which means I'm
probably missing something simple).

1 Reply


Former Community Member
I finally got this running under the amfsecure channel, which
is where I wanted to be anyway. I had to do a couple of things to
get this running. My major problem turned out to be a known issue
related to MSIE, HTTPS, and no-cache headers. I added the following
property to the channel properties for amfsecure:






Thanks to Joshua Garnett and Peter Farland for the info. See
their post at:


I also forwarded appropriate uri patterns from Apache
(workers2.properties) to Tomcat.