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"submit by e-mail" does not work properly


Former Community Member
Adobe Designer 7.0

Windows 2000 Pro, SP 4

Compaq Evo N620c

No printer

512 Mb RAM

I went through the tutorial to create a office function survey form. Everything works fine except the "submit by e-mail" button. When I click on it, (as I test the file in the "PDF preview" feature), it prompts my desktop mail application, (FirstClass), to open up and create the e-mail with the .xml file attached to it. So far, so good. However, even though the e-mail address and e-mail subject fields are filled out for the object, it fails to add these values to the actual e-mail, leaving the fields blank, (on the FC e-mail), instead.

I cannot think of what I may be doing wrong here. I followed the tutorial to the letter and common sense tells me this should work. That I am aware of, FirstClass would not impede this process. Am I missing something?
41 Replies


Former Community Member
It could be your syntax, try: mailto:xxxx@XXXX.com


Former Community Member
What version of Acrobat/Reader are you using? And what email client?


Adobe Enterprise Developer Support


Former Community Member
I've got Acrobat 7.0 Pro, and I've got Acrobat Reader 7.0

The e-mail client I'm currently using is called FirstClass.

I tried the syntax suggestion, but it didn't change a thing... Thanks, though.


Former Community Member
Can you try it using another email client like Outlook or Outlook express to see if it's something related to that?

Another thing you can try is instead of using the "Email Submit Button" use a standard button, set the control type to Submit, and for the URL specify something like: mailto:someOne@someWhere.com;subject=Some Subject.


Adobe Enterprise Developer Support


Former Community Member
As much as I hate to admit it, I think the e-mail submit button works if I use Outlook, but I would much, much rather prefer to use FirstClass. I've been looking all over FC to see if maybe it's some setting within it that's not allowing the "To" and "Subject" fields to be filled, but I can't find anything. Also, I know that when I click on someone else's "submit via email" buttons, (website or otherwise), FC does populate those fields. I don't know why it would be any different in this case.

I'll try out your suggestion for the button and get back to you about it.



Former Community Member
It's possible we do something when using the custom "Email Submit Button" that FirstClass doesn't understand. mailto: syntax like I suggested is pretty standard on the net though, so if it doesn't work like that I'm not sure there's much we can do about it.

Is this the First Class client you use: http://www.softarc.com/ ?


Adobe Enterprise Developer Support


Former Community Member
Yes, that is the client I'm currently using. I don't know why it won't work from Designer to FC, because I know e-mail submit buttons have worked with FC in the past...

As far as your earlier suggestion, it didn't work out. It didn't allow the "mailto:someOne@someWhere.com;subject=Some Subject." The button had this yellow warning sign on it that said the e-mail address was invalid. After I removed the "mailto:" portion, the warning sign went away.

However, when I went to test my PDF and I clicked on the button, I got a "page cannot be displayed" browser pages.

I have the Submit Format set to XML data, and the Encoding set to UTF-8, if that matters.

Thanks again,



Former Community Member
Sorry, that was a typo on my part. That should definately fail because when it tries to parse subject=Some Subject as an email address it'll see that things are wrong. The proper syntax is:

mailto:someOne@someWhere.com?subject=Some Subject


Adobe Enterprise Developer Support


Former Community Member
I've created a form, however the "submit by email" function is not working properly.

I'm using Lotus Notes as my email client, however after clicking the submit button, Outlook opens, and not Lotus Notes. I've already changed my internet browser options to be set to Lotus Notes, but it still doesn't work.

Does anyone have any ideas??

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


Former Community Member
I am having the same problem - a form created in Live Cycle will only work with Outlook. Eudora and othr e-mail programs do notopen when "Submit via E-Mail" is selected. All works fine with Outlook, however. Help!


Former Community Member
Hello. I created a form using Adobe LiveCycle Designer 8.0; Since I have Adobe Professional, submit button works for me. However; when a user using adobe reader 7 or 8 uses the form; submit button doesn't work. Error: The operation failed. I really need your help as my manager is waiting for this form to be finalized. Thank you!


Former Community Member
Acrobat uses whatever email program is specified on the client. Change the default to what you want:

1. Open Control Panel > Internet Properties

3. Click on "Programs" tab

4. Select email client from "Email" drop-down (Lotus Notes in my case)

5. Click "Ok"

Re-open the form and try to email again. It should use the email client you selected.


Former Community Member
As with above comments, on my workstatiion with Acrobat Pro v8.1, the manually created SUBMIT button sends the LiveDesigner form as displayed via Eudora to the account specified in both IE v7+ and FireFox v2.0+. However, when I go to my laptop that has only Reader v8.1+ it does nothing (not even an error message) using IE v7+ or FireFox v2+. The Submit button does not even react to a mouse click. I have checked and Eudora is my email client as required. Either browser opens Eudora when a standard e-mail link is in a web page.

BTW, on my workstation I tried Acrobat v8.1+ and get the same results as seen on my laptop. Also a dialog box pops up in Acrobat saying that only the data will be sent. Why have a form available if it can not be returned as filled out? I need the form returned, not XML data. Even if Acrobat was sending the e-mail, it would be of no use anyway without the original form. Looks like I am still looking for a e-mailable form processor.


Level 1

George, I'm having problems too and about to post on the forum.

However I can get my form returned as a filled out pdf (but only from certain recipients, depending on their email client it seems).

When you create a new button, double click on the button and go to the actions tab, choose 'submit a form' from the popup and click 'add' (I know you've done all this already) .

Obviously enter the url (mailto:xxx) but check the "PDF the complete document" instead of the default "FDF include". Click OK.

That should see your form returned as a pdf document and not as data.

It just seems ridiculous to me that only certain recipients using certain email clients, can return the form!



Former Community Member
PDF multiple Documents

HI , I have a problem , I need urget help..

1> I have a PDF fillable PDF form , with all fields empty,

i have an notepad , which contains all data , like barcode , customer name ect,

I need two buttons on a PDF form,

When i click on one i need to browse the notepad and when i click on other all details in the notepad needs to be filled in the PDF form, in the two column that is given in the PDF , and separate pdf forms needs to be opened of diff customer ...based on customer name


Former Community Member
I am soooooo frustrated. I have tried everything! Create a custom submit button, use the standard email button, but NOTHING WORKS!!!!!

I have adobe pro 8 and lotus note v 6.1.

My problem is the email shows in the to line twice not allowing the email to go through. I can't get it to separate the emails by comma, so it just shows. Someone@somewhere.comSomeone@somewhere.com. IT IS SOOO ANNOYING!!!!!!

I can't upgrade my email or change it. That is an IT decision and is monitored.


Former Community Member
I am having trouble with a similiar problem. When I created my pdf with Acrobe LiveDesigner I also used a submit email" button and it send the data.xml as the file when I needed the pdf version.

How can I fix this??


Former Community Member
Email a form using Internet Email

Do you know why with Adobe Reader v8.1.2 users cannot get to the "Select Email Client pop up when clicking Submit by Email?

It works fine with earlier versions of Reader, but in v8.1.2 it goes straight to outlook. If they do not use outlook for their email, it only prompts to create outlook profile as opposed to the "Select Email Client pop up where they can save the data file to their hard drive and attach using Internet Email.



Former Community Member
I have created a PDF with form fields that i want people to fill out and click on a button I have created with a "submit form" action (mailto:) to email the form as a complete PDF, but when you click the button it gives an error message: "this operation not permitted"

How can I make this work for everyone?


Former Community Member
I have a similar problem.

I can create a form (Designer 7; Acrobat Pro 8; usage rights have been set) and include a "submit by email" button (tried both the default and creating my own submit button).

After filling out the form I click one of the "send" buttons and it opens a new message in my email client (Outlook 2003) with either the XML or PDF document attached, depending on which button I use.

However, the email doesn't actually send. I see a gray bar at the top of my email message saying "This email has not been sent" but clicking the "Send" button does nothing. It prompts me to save or delete the message when I try to close the message.

Outlook is running and everything else about it works fine.

Any idea why Outlook won't actually send the message?
