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process variable string into filename at Save service


Former Community Member

Does anyone know how to put a string into the Pathname Pattern (Template) property of a Save service (FileUtilsService - Write Document) ?

What I'm trying to do is strip the /'s out of a date string and put that date into a filename. For example, 042208_Greg.pdf

Instead I get d:\WMS\C0419\04\22\08\_Greg.pdf

I want: d:\WMS\C0419\042208_Greg.pdf

I have a Set Value service putting a form submit date (MM/DD/YY format) into a process variable called @stringDate. I am stripping /'s out of the date and setting @stringDate like so: /process_data/@stringDate <--- concat(substring(/process_data/xfaform/object/data/xdp/datasets/data/C0419/Approvers/Initiator/Date,1,2),substring(/process_data/xfaform/object/data/xdp/datasets/data/C0419/Approvers/Initiator/Date,4,5),substring(/process_data/xfaform/object/data/xdp/datasets/data/C0419/Approvers/Initiator/Date,7,8))

At the Save file service, I am using @stringDate in my Pathname Pattern (Template) to create the filename: d:\WMS\C0419\{/process_data/@stringDate}_{$/process_data/xfaform/object/data/xdp/datasets/data/C0419/Approvers/Initiator/CompletedBy/Name$}.pdf



Needham, MA
2 Replies


Level 10
You should just have to add the string using the following format {$/process_data/@title$} in the template.

In your case it would be something like d:\WMS\C0419\{$/process_data/@stringDate$}_{$/process_data/xfaform/object/data/xdp/datasets/data/C0419/Approvers/Initiator/CompletedBy/Name$}.pdf

You almost already have it there.



Level 9
Hi Greg

You've done a great job getting this done with xpath.

It looks to me like you've done everything right - what's not working - are you getting an exception, or is the file being saved with the wrong name?

There is a nice little DateFormatter component here, that might make things a little easier/flexible.

