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Process and Form version question


Former Community Member
a few questions related to the versions of Forms and Processes:

1) in WorkSpace, launch a process, then put the form in "Draft".

then modify its XDP, the form gets a new version in the repository.

what's going to happen to my Draft?

when I launch the Draft again, will it use the new version or old version of the XDP?

2) launch a process, starts the workflow,

before the workflow completes,

(say, it has 5 user tasks, only 3 users have processed it)

I update the process map and/or the forms.

will that unfinished process instance follow the new workflow map? or the old?

3) when there are unfinished 'running' process instances in the system,

I deactivate the process.

what's going to happen to those unfinished instances?

will they still be able to complete?

4) when there are unfinished process instances in the system,

but I don't want anybody to launch any new instances from WorkSpace,

how do I do that?

do I remove its "TaskManager" endpoint? or?


1 Reply


Level 10
1)Itll re-render the form so it will take the latest version from the repository.

2)It will follow the original process. Only initiating new processes will follow new process map. As for the forms, the new version will take effect immediately.

3a)what's going to happen to those unfinished instances?

Theyll stay in a running state in the database

3b)will they still be able to complete?

Not until you re-activate the process.

4)Yes you can remove/disable the endpoint.
