Hi Neptuno:
Look at the livedoc for version 7.2 at
http://download.macromedia.com/pub/documentation/en/livecycle/7_2_2/jboss_install_config_sec_7_2_2.p... . The section on page 41 refer to creating the default username/password and the propertiers file i mentioned above.
Setting up users, roles, and login files
This section applies to LiveCycle Reader Extensions only. To run LiveCycle Reader Extensions, you must set up a default user, user role, and user login. The installation program creates the appropriate files, but you must move them from the LiveCycle Reader Extensions installation directory to the application server deployment directory. After you have set up the default user, you can create additional users and user roles.
➤ To set up default users, roles, and a login file:
1. Copy the following files from the [LiveCycle root]/components/readerextensions/jboss/conf directory
to the JBoss directory [appserver root]/server/all/conf directory:
● ares-roles.properties
● ares-users.properties
2. Stop and restart JBoss Application Server.