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Problem adding Paper Forms Barcode to form w/ Designer 7.0


Former Community Member
Whenever I add a barcode to a form using Designer 7.0 I see the error "Argument invalid: not supplied/range/etc." in Designer's warning box. I'm suspect of this because I don't notice the barcode updating as I fill the form in.

Any clues ?
7 Replies


Former Community Member
Can you tell me if this is the "Paper Forms Barcode" or another static type of Barcode?


Former Community Member
This is a Paper Forms Barcode - I noticed that after I add the barcode, I'm getting that error for every item I add to the form after that. If I remove the barcode, the errors don't occur.


Former Community Member
It sounds like there may be a problem with the 2D plug-in or Designer installation as I have personally not experienced this problem.

If you can, try the form on another machine with Designer installed. If that is not a possibility I may suggest re-installing or repairing the Designer installation on the machine where the error is occurring.


Former Community Member
I just downloaded and re-installed a fresh copy of Designer (after completely removing the old one) and I'm still getting this error...

Argument invalid: not supplied/range/etc.

.... in the Report windows's Warning tab. It happens when I first drag a Paper Forms Barcode component onto the form and as long as I have the Barcode component on the form, I get it whenever I add any other component as well.


Former Community Member
You can safely ignore the message.

What this statement means is that it expects a something argument, or a default text assigned to the barcode.

Try adding this to the XML of the Barcode object.


Former Community Member
I am receiving the following error when I deploy the xdp form onto the adobe form server 6.0

=====please see the below errors on barcode=========================

2006-03-07 16:30:17,287 WARN [com.adobe.document.XMLFormService] $$$/com/adobe/document/xmlform/msg.XFA=dataPrep is not a valid attribute of barcode, Attribute not loaded. Line 27066.

2006-03-07 16:30:17,646 INFO [com.adobe.document.XMLFormService] $$$/com/adobe/document/xmlform/msg.timing=!PERFORMANCE! XMLFormFactory.PAexecute() Setup + mpoFormAgentFactory->PAexecute Time: 0.74395 seconds

2006-03-07 16:30:17,646 DEBUG [com.adobe.document.XMLFormService] $$$/com/adobe/document/xmlform/msg.generic=XMLFormFactory::PAexecute mpoFormAgentFactory->PAexecute returned

2006-03-07 16:30:17,646 INFO [com.adobe.document.XMLFormService] $$$/com/adobe/document/xmlform/msg.timing=!PERFORMANCE! XMLFormFactory.PAexecute() Total Time: 0.74427 seconds

2006-03-07 16:30:17,646 DEBUG [com.adobe.document.XMLFormService] $$$/com/adobe/document/xmlform/msg.generic=XMLFormFactory::PAexecute - returning

2006-03-07 16:30:17,662 WARN [com.adobe.formServer.RunTimeContext] class com.adobe.formServer.PA.XMLFormAgentWrapper : mid:29226 tid:2424.2688 sev:w text: dataPrep is not a valid attribute of barcode, Attribute not loaded. Line 27066..

2006-03-07 16:30:17,693 DEBUG [com.adobe.document.XMLFormService] $$$/com/adobe/document/xmlform/msg.generic=XMLFormFactory::PAexecute - entered

2006-03-07 16:30:17,693 INFO [com.adobe.document.XMLFormService] $$$/com/adobe/document/xmlform/msg.timing=!PERFORMANCE! XMLFormFactory.PAexecute() Data Setup Time: 0.00413 seconds

2006-03-07 16:30:17,693 DEBUG [com.adobe.document.XMLFormService] $$$/com/adobe/document/xmlform/msg.generic=XMLFormFactory::PAexecute - invoking mpoFormAgentFactory->PAexecute

2006-03-07 16:30:17,974 WARN [com.adobe.document.XMLFormService] $$$/com/adobe/document/xmlform/msg.XFA=dataPrep is not a valid attribute of barcode, Attribute not loaded. Line 27066.

2006-03-07 16:30:18,724 WARN [com.adobe.document.XMLFormService] $$$/com/adobe/document/xmlform/msg.XFA=Argument invalid: not supplied/range/etc.

2006-03-07 16:30:18,974 DEBUG [org.jboss.jmx.adaptor.snmp.agent.SnmpAgentService] It's for me: javax.management.MBeanServerNotification: notificationType=JMX.mbean.registered source=JMImplementation:type=MBeanServerDelegate seq-no=568 time=1141729218974 message=null objectName=jboss.web:type=RequestProcessor,worker=http-,name=HttpRequest3 userData=null, handback:2147483647

2006-03-07 16:30:20,021 WARN [com.adobe.document.XMLFormService] $$$/com/adobe/document/xmlform/msg.XFA=PaperFormsBarcode1 'access' attribute should explicitly be set to 'nonInteractive'. Field will be drawn as a boilerplate.

2006-03-07 16:30:20,037 WARN [com.adobe.document.XMLFormService] $$$/com/adobe/document/xmlform/msg.XFA=XFAImageService: Image cannot be resolved for node: PaperFormsBarcode1.

2006-03-07 16:30:20,037 WARN [com.adobe.document.XMLFormService] $$$/com/adobe/document/xmlform/msg.XFA=ImageStore does not contain the key [F[0].pbarcode[0].detail[0].PaperFormsBarcode1[0]]. Hint: The addImage method must be called first.

2006-03-07 16:30:20,787 INFO [com.adobe.document.XMLFormService] $$$/com/adobe/document/xmlform/msg.timing=!PERFORMANCE! XMLFormFactory.PAexecute() Setup + mpoFormAgentFactory->PAexecute Time: 3.09997 seconds

2006-03-07 16:30:20,787 DEBUG [com.adobe.document.XMLFormService] $$$/com/adobe/document/xmlform/msg.generic=XMLFormFactory::PAexecute mpoFormAgentFactory->PAexecute returned

2006-03-07 16:30:20,787 INFO [com.adobe.document.XMLFormService] $$$/com/adobe/document/xmlform/msg.timing=!PERFORMANCE! XMLFormFactory.PAexecute() Total Time: 3.10126 seconds

2006-03-07 16:30:20,787 DEBUG [com.adobe.document.XMLFormService] $$$/com/adobe/document/xmlform/msg.generic=XMLFormFactory::PAexecute - returning

2006-03-07 16:30:20,818 WARN [com.adobe.formServer.RunTimeContext] class com.adobe.formServer.PA.XMLFormAgentWrapper : mid:29226 tid:2424.2688 sev:w text: dataPrep is not a valid attribute of barcode, Attribute not loaded. Line 27066..

2006-03-07 16:30:20,818 WARN [com.adobe.formServer.RunTimeContext] class com.adobe.formServer.PA.XMLFormAgentWrapper : mid:18458 tid:2424.2688 sev:w text: Argument invalid: not supplied/range/etc..

2006-03-07 16:30:20,818 WARN [com.adobe.formServer.RunTimeContext] class com.adobe.formServer.PA.XMLFormAgentWrapper : mid:12369 tid:2424.2688 sev:w text: PaperFormsBarcode1 'access' attribute should explicitly be set to 'nonInteractive'. Field will be drawn as a boilerplate..

2006-03-07 16:30:20,818 WARN [com.adobe.formServer.RunTimeContext] class com.adobe.formServer.PA.XMLFormAgentWrapper : mid:29461 tid:2424.2688 sev:w text: XFAImageService: Image cannot be resolved for node: PaperFormsBarcode1..

2006-03-07 16:30:20,834 WARN [com.adobe.formServer.RunTimeContext] class com.adobe.formServer.PA.XMLFormAgentWrapper : mid:18177 tid:2424.2688 sev:w text: ImageStore does not contain the key [F[0].pbarcode[0].detail[0].PaperFormsBarcode1[0]]. Hint: The addImage method must be called first..

Can someone help?




Former Community Member
Do you require the "Paper Forms Barcode" object or are you trying to prepopulate a static PDF417 Barcode.

If you are looking to prepopulate PDF's with the dynamic Paper Forms Barcode object, you will need Forms Server
7.x. 6.x will simply produce a gray box.