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Print and Email Button


Former Community Member
I need to add a print button that when the person clicks it to print, it will also send an email to a certain address.

Thanks in advance!!
7 Replies


Former Community Member
In livecycle designer, use the welcome screen and it gives you two checkboxes giving you the option to put one on for you.


Former Community Member
I know that it gives me options to add 2 separate buttons but the user doesnt need to know they are emailing anything. I just need it set up so when the person hits print, it will send an email to whatever address I set up.

If its even possible


Level 7
Sorry, can't be done as you describe, if I understand you right...

> the user doesnt need to know they are emailing anything.

Yes, they do. Sending an email secretly is considered an ENORMOUS

security hole, and if there were a way to do it, this would cause a

scandal, rapidly followed by an emergency fix.

Aandi Inston


Former Community Member
Well you can do this in other forms. For example a coldfusion form online, I know these are two different concepts completely, but it is possible to send an email by just a click of a button.

So there is no way, outside of the the person sending an email themselves, to notify someone that the form was printed?



Level 7
>Well you can do this in other forms.

No, I don't think so.

>For example a coldfusion form online, I know these are two different concepts completely, but it is possible to send an email by just a click of a button.

Not exactly. This is the user contacting a web server. Then the web

server sends an e-mail. This is perfectly fine, and not a security


This is perfectly possible and practical with a PDF form too. You just

need a suitable script on the server.


>So there is no way, outside of the the person sending an email themselves, to notify someone that the form was printed?

They can be sent an email but they must see and accept it.

Aandi Inston


Former Community Member
May be if LiveCycle Rights Management ES is affordable for your task you can use it as it audits any access to forms or other pdf files.


Regards, Andrey


Former Community Member
Add a print button to the form, then add the following event to the XML Source:

Adobe Systems