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Passing attachements to sub-processes


Former Community Member
I have a process that initiates a sub-process and pass the form data through successfully but the only problem is that I want to pass attachments also from one process (main) to another sub-process, which i have been trying for the past couple of days and unfortunately all my efforts went on vain.

Is there any body to save me on this one, PLS?
3 Replies


Level 9

Please see the following article on how to achieve this:


The QPAC you need is not currently available for download on our web site, please email info@avoka.com directly and we will get this to you.




Level 2


     You have mentioned that it is possible to access main process form variable to the subprocess.

I have a main process called M and a subprocess named S. At the end of the workflow of M i have added S using the Subprocess service.

How can i pass form avariables and process variables of M to S...?

pls help me on this ..




Level 2


i have the subprocess service inside the main process at the end of the workflow process.

i have reached the point where subprocess should start. In adminUI when i checked it shows the subprocess is in running state - but it is not actually running (the subprocess tab is empty)

Can u help me to solve this problem.?


Balaji G