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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Paralel assignmets with same form & data


Level 3
My scenario is that:

I have a form which has 10 parts to fill.

I want to send(assign task) this form to 10 people in parallel.

Each person will fill one part.

It's an and-wait operation.

What i cannot do:

I want to use XML data behind the pdf form, not database.

Each person will fill one part but they should see what the others entered.

I cannot populate the same xmldata for all people.

Thank you in advance!

4 Replies


Level 10
Well, the only way you'll see other people's data is if you get the data from the 10 people from the same source. You would have to populate the form on open from that source.

Otherwise all 10 people will have a separate copy of the form with their own version of the data.



Level 3
Thank you Jasmin,

But how can i achieve this?

How can i send them one form instead of 10 copies?

Can i populate data from an xml variable when one opens the form via Workspace ES?


Level 10
When you have your 10 users in parallel, you're using the same variable (xfaForm or DocumentForm). So you're in fact reusing the same form template from the repository and then render into a PDF.

When the PDF is created, you can merge data with it. That's where I think you should focus your effort. The pdf that gets created doesn't rally matters. It's more a container for the data. You just want to make sure you always get the latest version of the data when it's being merge with the pdf.

Once the users a done filling their form, they're probably going to submit the data and not the entire PDF anyways.

In the render service you're going to use to create the PDF, you could add a step to go and grab the data from a database before creating the pdf. That way every time you open the form in workspace, you get the latest version of the data.



Level 9
Another way to do it might be to store the data in a completely separate table. Every time the form renders, you go an get the latest data to populate the form. You could also use a web-service call from within the form.

You're really creating a mini-application that gets and saves its data from a separate table.

Just a thought....

