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New pages not displaying in Designer


Former Community Member
I have a working PDF form that was created in Adobe and Designer (Livecycle). I needed to add (import) 5 pages from another PDF into the form. I can import while in Adobe Acrobat Pro and the new pages display fine, including all the form fields, buttons, etc...

However when I switch back to Designer to add database fields to the newly added pages, the pages are missing/do not disply.

I open the form back up in Adobe acrobat Pro and the new pages are there.

Any thoughts? Why cant I see the new pages in Designer?
32 Replies


Former Community Member
ie.. I have 36 pages in PDF view and only 31 in Design view.


Former Community Member


Level 7
Once you have started in Designer you must do ALL work in Designer.

Acrobat should have locked you out from changing, but if you found a

way round, it won't help.

Aandi Inston


Former Community Member
Thanks for the reply Aandi,

The problem with Designer is that I can find no way to import new pages into my form. Any and all options to do so appear greyed-out.

Do I have to recreate this 36 page form from scratch? I can't believe that Adobe would build Livecycle behave like this.


Level 7
>The problem with Designer is that I can find no way to import new pages into my form.

I'm sure you can't, but maybe you could make a new LiveCycle form, and

copy/paste, not sure.

What you are describing is easily done with Acrobat forms - be sure

you really needed to use LiveCycle Designer.

Aandi Inston


Level 2
What about combining the files in Acrobat and then opening in Designer.


Former Community Member
Yes, I have to use livecycle for manipulating the database connection. I created the forms in acrobat, (which are made up of several state regulatory forms), for the purpose of having a single, complex PDF that we can merge data into. This saves us time (several hours)from having to complete each form manually and also from having to use Word's mail merge.

I then added a record selector/menu to the first page. When a record is selected the data populates all 31 pages in the form. The state's agency has added another 5 page form that I need to now incorporate into this automation. I can import the pages into acrobat pro.

However, as I stated, when I go to designer to add the database fields to the new pages, the new pages are missing. When I switch back to Arobat, the new pages are there. ???


Level 7
You cannot do it this way. You MUST do form design work and all other

edits in Designer unless you print the form to PDF to flatten it.

Aandi Inston


Former Community Member
So then, is the option to insert pages using Designer greyed out because my PDF is flattened?


Level 7
That I don't know - anyone?

Aandi Inston


Level 7
>So then, is the option to insert pages using Designer greyed out because my PDF is flattened?

A moment though - I didn't see you describe that you flattened it. How

did you do that?

Aandi Inston


Former Community Member
I don't remember flattening the form. But the option to insert pages is greyed out nontheless. I have asked Adobe and they do not respond.


Level 7
>I don't remember flattening the form. But the option to insert pages is greyed out nontheless.

Yes, that's exactly what was said, but I think you took my reply to

mean the opposite of what I intended.

I wrote: "you MUST do form design work and all other

edits in Designer ". This is why the option to insert pages is greyed


I wrote "...unless you print the form to PDF to flatten it." You

didn't flatten it, so you cannot insert pages in Acrobat.

YOU CANNOT EDIT THIS FILE IN ACROBAT. That's how it is supposed to


Aandi Inston


Level 7
> I have asked Adobe and they do not respond.

How did you ask them. If email, to what address? If a web form, where?

If telephone, what number?

Aandi Inston


Former Community Member
I am not trying to edit the form in Acrobat. I am trying to edit the form in Designer. The option to insert pages is greyed out in Designer, not Acrobat.


Level 7
Ah, sorry, I misunderstood. Does anyone else have an answer?

Aandi Inston


Level 2
In Acrobat use File/Create PDF/From mutiple files. Once created then (in Acrobat) Advanced/Forms/Open Form in Adobe Designer.


Former Community Member
>In Acrobat use File/Create PDF/From mutiple files. Once created then >(in Acrobat) Advanced/Forms/Open Form in Adobe Designer.

This is what I did.

I then added 5 additional pages at the end of the form (it was 31 pages long and is now 36 pages long) The pages are visible when in Acrobat but when I switch to Designer to actually WORK on the pages they are MISSING.

While in Designer the options to add/insert pages are greyed out.



Former Community Member
Let me re-iterate.

I have a 31 page form that I created in Acrobat. I then switch to deisgner to connect the form to the database, (for ease of population). The form has been in production for several months. There is now a need to add 5 additional pages to the form. In Designer the option to add or insert pages is greyed out. So I then open the form up in Acrobat where I can insert/add pages. This works fine and all the functionality of the form remains intact, (I can still connect the form to the database) Now I need to add database fields to the new pages I added to the form. So I switch back to designer to pull the database fields to the new pages, (which are visible in Acrobat, mind you.) When Designer opens the pages are missing. Not Visible. What? Switching back to Acrobat - *poof*, they are there again. Switch back to Designer, *poof* - they are missing again. On top of all this, the options to add or insert pages in Designer is still greyed out.


Level 7
> So I then open the form up in Acrobat where I can insert/add pages.

I thought we'd been over this and you said you weren't doing this. YOU

CANNOT ADD PAGES IN ACROBAT and then work on them in Designer.

I don't know why you can't add pages in Designer, but just because you

can't doesn't mean you can use Acrobat instead.

> So I switch back to designer to pull the database fields to the new pages, (which are visible in Acrobat, mind you.) When Designer opens the pages are missing.

Yes, this is exactly what I would expect. This CANNOT WORK.

Aandi Inston