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Multiple events on one button.


Former Community Member
I'd like to add multiple events on one button. I.e. I would like the button to sumbit to a Webservice via httppost, and I would like to email the data in XML format out. Or I'd like to call multiple methods from the webservice with one click. It looks (from the XML) that the button event is tied to the dataconnection which has bindings for the individual field that the response goes into. By doing this I can fill in multiple fields with one click, by calling different methods of the Webservice. Unless there is a way for the webservice to return multiple values, without having to parse them on the client side.
1 Reply


Former Community Member
I figured it out. This is kind of an ugly hack but it works.
Under the XML View, look at the button properties. You should see one event. Now this can cause some wierd affects; you've been warned. I just added another from another button that did the emailing part (or WS part, whatever). So essentially I have two events for one button. Now if the Email Event is below the webservice Event, it won't give the user that nice dialog to print, which email client to use or just to save the XML locally. It will just fireup the default email client with the XML attached (which maybe a desireable outcome). It's not pretty, but it works.
