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July 31st AEM Gems Webinar: Elevate your AEM development to master the integration of private GitHub repositories within AEM Cloud Manager.

Matching Height of 2 independent cells


Former Community Member
Hi All,

I have been wracking my brains out for a couple of days trying to figure this out. I have two separate cells, each in their own tables, which I need to match the height. Both of the cells are Multiline cells that Expand to fit. I know I cannot use the TextField1.h = Textfield2.h since the true value is set to 0 but there has got to be another way. I have considered counting the carriage returns in one then add the same number to the other but when the words wrap; they do not create a carriage return. I have also considered counting the number of lines in one cell and adding the same number of carriage returns to the other but I cannot find a way to get the number of lines.

Has anybody ever tried doing something similar? I am afraid that I will not have any hair left by the end of this weekend.
5 Replies


Former Community Member
I have a sample that does this ...post your email address and I will send it to you.


Former Community Member
Hi Paul,

Thank you very much. That would be very helpful. You can email me at aruiz*at*appliedmedical*dot*com

I look forward to your email.


Level 2


I have this problem too, please send sample for me solve this problem too.

sample: i have 3 fields, i can expanded of fields (textfield) but when i remove valueable in 2nd field (max height than other fields). in 1st, 3rd are not drop (decrease).

thank you


Former Community Member

Here is a sample that will resize the row based on the description field. The code is behind the layout Ready event of each cell (other than description). I also included a sample data file.
