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Many random crashes


Former Community Member

(Acrobat Pro 7 w/Adobe Designer, Windows XP SP2)

Reading this forum, it appears as if other people are managing to actually use this software. Me, I start it, click on the PDF preview tab and it crashes. Alternatively, I can do almost anything (read help, create a new form etc) and anything from 1 to 60 seconds later it crashes. So is it just me, or does this sound familiar to anyone else? Acrobat 7 Pro itself seems to work fine, btw

Here's a few typical error message from the event log:

Application défaillante formdesigner.exe, version 7.0.41126.0, module défaillant unknown, version, adresse de défaillance 0x03b28c3e.

Application bloquée FormDesigner.exe, version 7.0.41126.0, module bloqué hungapp, version, adresse de blocage 0x00000000.

Nigel Parker
7 Replies


Former Community Member

You're not alone. I use W2000 and the same thing happens when clicking to review an interactive form I am designing. I end up closing Adobe (using Task manager) then restarting Acrobat.


Former Community Member
I found this happened on a particular file, which eventually became corrupt. I had to spend many hours recreating it, but haven't had the crashing problem again.

Designer is very slow to start up initially, but {knock on wood} I haven't had the crashing problem since recreating the bad file.


Former Community Member
(Acrobat Pro 7 w/Designer, Windows XP SP2)

ME TOO!!!! Apparently Adobe included the "Character Building v 1.0" and "Patience Testing v 3.5" as additional features to the package!

This is the FIRST form I've ever created with the Designer....not a good first impression of the product. It does everything I want to do, if i can remember to save the file every 2 minutes before it crashes. At the very least, an auto-save feature would be nice. It doesn't matter what i'm doing: I could be typing in text boxes, typing javascript code, adding elements, etc. then the program crashes.

Is there a patch or something that fixes this???


Former Community Member
I have had some crashes now and then but so far nothing seriously lost. Never on when I go to Preview though. And the crashes happen unexpectedly. But like I say I haven't had to do any serious form reconstruction work. Don't know why it quits on me.


Former Community Member
I've experienced the same problem. I'm running Windows XP, Acrobat7 Pro and Designer7 and Designer tends to randomly crash, not even telling me why. It's very very frustrating considering my form has a lot of images (thus weighs a lot) and saving is dead slow. Although when I reduced the image sizes a lot and the file became smaller, the crashes seem to be less frequent.


Former Community Member
I've noticed many crashes in Designer 7.0 on multiple different systems in multiple different configurations. However, Adobe offer's an upgrade to 7.1 which seems to be much more stable.


Former Community Member
Well, this thread started in March and I'm still getting the same problems on a 30 day demo downloaded in August. Hope someone at Adobe is reading this thread and working on the problem. I am getting crashes every 3 to 5 minutes and it is getting very irritating. Seemed to increase drastically when another user of this machine (my wife) thought it would be a good idea to upgrade the Adobe Reader loaded here.