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JBoss Server - can latest version be used?


Former Community Member
I wanted to clarify, which version of JBoss can be used? I am walking through my first installation using the Manual deployment option and got a little confused on page 26 where it refers to replacing the dom4j.jar file, but it says the file used with JBoss 3.2.5. I downloaded the latest JBoss server download, which is version 4.0.3SP1. So can I use JBoss version 4.0.3SP1 and if so, do I still need to replace the dom4j.jar file? Or would it just be easier to use JBoss 3.2.5?

Thank you,

6 Replies


Level 9
Use JBoss 3.2.5.

Actually, the easiest thing to do is the turnkey install. This will install JBoss 3.2.5 with all the right patches - much easier.

You can then re-run the install later using the manual option, it's much easier, because you already have JBoss installed and ready to go.




Former Community Member
Hi Jennifer -

Howard is right, use Joss 3.2.5. Jboss4 will not work.

Have fun!



Former Community Member
Thank you all,

I am new to JBoss and am really struggling with it for some reason (I'm a previous MS.Net junkie). I think I will go as suggested and just do the turnkey option. Didn't realize I could go manual later, just in case I needed to!

Thanks again,



Former Community Member
Also, be sure and use the older version of Java, version 1.4.2_08. Even 1.4.2_10 can cause problems on some installations.


Former Community Member
Hello Clifton,

Thanks. I FINALLY got everything installed (phew! - although I can't seem to access the BAM server, but that's another issue).

I did use 1.4.2_11, so far I think everything seems ok, but we will see....



Former Community Member
I have installed it as well, but when I want to use this
drug addiction treatment center site, everything is blocking and I have to reboot the system. Do you know why?