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JavaScript works when saving file as Dynamic or Static but not 6.0 compatible


Former Community Member
I need to be make required fields not required when a form is submitted from a specific button. This gives the user the ability to save the form without having to complete it. I have this working using the following script when the form is saved as Dynamic or Static.

for (var i = 0; i < xfa.host.numPages; i++)


var fields = xfa.layout.pageContent(i, "field");

for (var j = 0; j < fields.length; j++)


var field = fields.item(j);

field.mandatory = "disabled";



But when the form is saved as Adobe 6.0 Compatible, it does not work. Can anybody explain to me why this is? And possibly help me convert this so it will work with Adobe 6.0 forms.


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