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Is there a better way to color a row in a dynamic table without knowing the column names?


Level 3
Hi,<br /><br />I am able to get the number of rows in a dynamic table after data are merged. Now, I am able to loop through rows to find description that matches "Demand" string, but how do I loop thru that row to fillColor the entire row? I am doing it with the following currently, but is there a better way to color the entire row without knowing the column names? Thanks.<br /><br />var rowCount = Row1.instanceManager.count;<br />for (i=0; i<rowCount; i++) {<br /> var str = xfa.resolveNode("NewDataSet.Page1.Table2.Row1[" + i + "].Description").rawValue;<br /> if (str.indexOf("Demand") > -1) {<br /> xfa.resolveNode("NewDataSet.Page1.Table2.Row1[" + i + "].Description").fillColor = "224, 224, 224";<br /> xfa.resolveNode("NewDataSet.Page1.Table2.Row1[" + i + "].DayMinus2").fillColor = "224, 224, 224";<br /> xfa.resolveNode("NewDataSet.Page1.Table2.Row1[" + i + "].DayMinus1").fillColor = "224, 224, 224";<br /> xfa.resolveNode("NewDataSet.Page1.Table2.Row1[" + i + "].CurrentDay").fillColor = "224, 224, 224";<br /> xfa.resolveNode("NewDataSet.Page1.Table2.Row1[" + i + "].DailyChange").fillColor = "224, 224, 224";<br /> } <br />}
2 Replies


Former Community Member
The Row1 object itself should have a fillColor. then everything inside it will adopt that color.


Level 3
Great, that worked, thank you...