I have probably 40 forms created using livecycle designer that do not work in dc. They worked fine Acrobat pro XI.I am not interested in recreating the forms since I have hundreds of hours invested already. Is there a way to restore the functionality without closing my business to recreate the forms?
The detail process I am after is how to import form data from an xml file. Nothing happens when I click the import data button. I can't find where I would map the form fields to the xml data field.
Can anyone point me to a step by step?
(Acrobat pro dc, windows 10)
Your situation is not very clear... Are you trying to import an XML file into your LCD forms, and it's not accepting it?
Are you sure the file has the right structure? How did you create this XML file? What exactly happens when you try to import it?
Please provide the full details.
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Forms were government forms which were converted into 'merge' forms. I have used both text and xml as the data source file format. The forms were converted using Livecycle. The actual production (the merge of data into the form) was done using Acrobat Pro XI (started with 6 and upgraded through the years) which worked.
First, the forms tell me they cannot be edited and to use livecycle. I printed the blank form (that used to work) to a pdf. I next allowed Acrobat Pro DC to identify form fields. The field names conform to the source file. When import data is invoked, nothing.
I suspect the form is not finding the schema for the data but I can't find where to verify the mapping of the data to the form.
I am not much on video tutorials. I am old school and like easily findable and clear directions. Acrobat has never been the easiest to work 'my' way, but the wholesale changes made something I rely on daily to longer work. Very, very frustrating in my busy season.
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Acrobat forms and LCD forms are very different. You can't convert an LCD form into an Acrobat form and then import the data file you used for your LCD form into it.
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I am only trying to have the same functionality I had before the wholesale changes to the interface for Acrobat. I am not married to a process if there are alternatives that work. Rather than telling me what I can't do, how about telling me how to move forward or where (and how) to find the process so I can learn the 'proper' way.
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Work with the file as you got it. If it's an LCD form then you can export the data from it to an XML file, which you can then edit and import back in using Acrobat. You can't edit the file without the LCD app, but you can import/export data from it using Acrobat.
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That's what I tried to do and the way I have done it in the past. I am trying to get data into the form to file with the government agency.
Rather than go down this path to nowhere, what is the process to scan the old form to create a new form to which I can add the merge functionality? Is there a wizard or step by step I can refer to?
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If these forms are to be submitted electronically, rather than as reams of paper, then editing or rescanning them is likely to mean the government rejects them with extreme prejudice (and can't tell whose they are, so you will never know). This doesn't seem a good outcome.
Your original question related to importing form data and you said: Nothing happens when I click the import data button.
1. Where is this button, exactly?
2. You say "nothing" happens. This could actually mean different things. For example, it doesn't ask you for a file? Or it asks you for a file, but the fields aren't filled in? Or it locks up?
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Nope, we are submitting paper forms to them.
The old process was an xml data file was created in MS Access. The pdf file was opened in Acrobat Pro XI and the merge was completed using the forms import from the Acrobat pro drop downs. There was an option on the File drop down that accessed the set up process for the data file etc.
What I tried to do was the same thing. I went to the prepare form tool and was told I can't edit the form in Acrobat (fine I just want the merge to work) and to use Livecycle. At this point, I can't go to the next step.
I then took the blank form and printed it to a pdf. I added some of the fields that correspond to the xml data for a test (again in prepare form). Using the more drop down I click import data option. Acrobat asks for the file and after it is selected nothing happens.
At this point, it may be more efficient to start the form design process from the beginning, Can you point me to a step by step that I can follow to get something to work? I have significant deadlines looming (not income tax...) and the redesign process impacts productive client work in a negative way.
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You don't want to prepare the form. That's what you do to make a form, not to work with it. You import to the form.
If you print to PDF it isn't the form any more. There are no form fields to import to. That won't fly.
So what happens if you take the fill-in, LiveCycle, form, and use import?
Do you remember what this option was on the file menu, though? It doesn't sound familiar, I wonder if it was an add-on product or script set up for your environment...
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The drop down on the file menu of Pro XI is where the data file etc is set up to begin with. Its where you tell the form where the data is and the related particulars. It was not an add in I don't think (if it was I don't remember adding it)
I did the print to create a form without the fields thinking it would eliminate all former references and I could start over.
The only place I find import data is through the Prepare Form group.
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Same issue and frustrated with the no solutions replies....Here is the solution I found that worked. I have a xml data file and trying to import into a Live Cycle Design form that is open in Adobe Acrobat DC. Open the document - DO NOT go to tools! Go to Top Menu Edit - scroll down to Form Options _ Import Data a window will appear asking to find the xml Files. Find it hit open and your data will go into the fillable fields.
Hope this helps!