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How to get Radio Buttons into the same exclusion group


Former Community Member
I'm creating a form in Adobe LiveCycle Designer and I need to get two buttons into the same exclusion group so that the user can only check one, for example:

Question: Do You like Ice Cream?

Radio Buttons: Yes


Right now the user can select both. I can't figure out how to get it so they can only select yes or no.

I've only started working with this program recently, so I know very little. So please explain it well.

Your help is greatly appreciated!!!!!!!
10 Replies


Former Community Member
It is easiest to do this in the hierarchy view. Simply drag and drop the button (in the hierarchy view) under the appropriate Grouping in the hierarchy view.


Level 1

I found this discussion that seems to solve a similar issue I'm having. The only thing is that I don't understand the fix here (Hierarchy grouping).

Can someone explain in greater detail, how to isolate radio buttons so that only one option can be selected at a time?

My Example ~

Select a location:

Ours (radio button here)

Yours (radion button here)

Right now I can select both radio buttons - don't want that.

Please help and type slowly please 


Former Community Member

When you drag a radioButton object from the library to the drawing palette it will create a structure for you. Look at the hierarchy view and you will see your RadioButton inside of an object called a radioButtonGroup. If you want to allow only one selection omongst a group of radiobutton then you simply have to put the radio buttons you want to limit into a single group object. Depending on their proximity on the drawing canvas Designer may create multiple groups or put them under the same group. If they are in different groups then in the hierrachy view you can drag the actual RadioButton onto the group object and now it will create the mutual exclusivity for you. If you want to do anything to these buttons through scripting you will want to deal with the group object and not the individual objects.



Level 1

Thanks Paul.

Looks like a unanamous decision. You obviously rock!!!

If you have a minute ~

Do you have any insight as to how to receive a form via email to make it look like the original form that I sent out?


user selects stuff, adds coments, clicks things --- then selects "Send by Email"

It comes back to me~

radio button1>0<radio button1

radio button2>1<radio button2

comments1> blah,blah,blah <comments1    ...etc

Is there a way to have it come back to me as the original version or at least excell looking versus this code appearance?


Level 1

Here is my real example (where 2 is equal to Customer location vs. Our location)

I'm not going to remember that 2 is customer location and 1 is our location) I will have to keep going back to the form to figure out the code behind the email.



Former Community Member

Reader will not allow you to save a copy of your form with data in the fields locally without Reader Extending. It will let you save the data that is put into thse fields. When you email something from an app like Reader the API That is eposed through windows allows for adding of attachments. But the catch is that you pass a filename to the api call so that it can add the attachment to the email. So if I cannot save the PDF file locally how can you add it as an attachment to an email. So by default the email submissions are set up to send only the data (that is what you are getting) and not the form as well.

The secret is to get Reader to save the PDF. To do this ypu must Reader Extend the document. You can do this through Acrobat. Then you will need to adjust the email submission to send a PDF and not the data (as it does by default). Both of this topics have been discussed numerous times on this forum ...if you do a serach you will see how to do both with ease.



Level 1

So it's not something I can do in LiveCycle? I can't seem to get a grasp on the variety package here and how they relate (acrobat/reader/livecycle) and where I need to add something like this -  xfa.host.exportData(); to a button as I have read in other reader extending questions.

Can someone please clarify/simplify.

I'm just want my fill-in's to come back to me, via email, as something more recognizable than code.



Former Community Member

That command (xfa.host.exportData()) is used to export just the data from the form to your local drive.

The 1st thing is to create a form with the proper commands to mail teh PDF.

Here is a link to a post that discusses this in detail:


Once that is done you will have to Reader Extend the form to allow for local saving. here is a post that discusses that issue.




Level 1

Thanks again Paul

I followed DominicanPete's post


You can still use the standard Submit Mail button, but you will need to make one small change. Select the Submit Mail button in the "Design View" tab. Then, click the "XML Source" tab. You should enter the source code with the "field" tag hilighted. Search below this tag for the "submit" tag. In this tag, you will see a parameter for "format". The default is 'xml'. Change this to 'pdf', and the document will be sent as a pdf doc.


It worked fine and I was able to save it locally after I received it as an email

So my next question is why this part?




Once that is done you will have to Reader Extend the form to allow for local saving. here is a post that discusses that issue.



Former Community Member
Problem Solved!!! You ROCK!!!