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Granting document rights to Acrobat Reader users


Former Community Member
I invested a few years ago in a full version of Acrobat (5.0.5, I know, it is somewhat dated now). Can this be used to save a document with forms that can be edited and saved by Acrobat Reader users? If not, do later versions of full Acrobat such as 6.0 or 7.0 have this capability? If not, what is required, and how much does it cost for me to save a document so that a friend who only has Acrobat Reader can edit form fields and save the edits?

Seems like this should be a function of the full version of Acrobat.
4 Replies


Level 7
LiveCycle Reader Extensions is the required product; no version of

Acrobat has this built in. The price is quoted for you by Adobe based

on a detailed profile of your company and intended use (number of

forms and users etc.) in order to compensate for hundreds or tens of

thousands of "lost" sales of Acrobat, so expect a significant quote.

Alternatively, http://www.formrouter.com/ can do this for you on a

per-form basis. Again it varies with your company, but it can be down

to $125 per page.

> Seems like this should be a function of the full version of Acrobat.

Seems that everyone would like it so, certainly. But Adobe have a

different business model.

Aandi Inston


Former Community Member
In that case, instead of upgrading my Adobe Acrobat full version from v5 to v7, I will begin the process of migration of affected documents to MS Word. I am not a big fan of Microsoft, but when it comes to being ripped off, I'd rather pay hundreds of dollars than thousands or tens of thousands.

Adobe knows fonts, but it does not seem to know much about writing or pricing software. I have seen many large software companies get too greedy and price themselves out of existence (especially in the CAD arena), and it seems that Adobe is now also heading down the road toward oblivion.

Goodbye for ever.


Level 7
So, you are happy to buy Word to save forms, but not Acrobat Standard?

Is the only way anyone can compete with Microsoft is to give away

software instead?

Aandi Inston


Former Community Member
Your users will have to buy Word to edit.

I find it weird that such a large percentage of the correspondence in this forum is explaining to people that Adobe READER doesn't WRITE!

Why can't I edit word documents in MS Word VIEWER? Hmmmm.....

Adobe READER is FREE and you say that Adobe is pricing themselves out of existance. Hmmmmmm.....

I'd like this forum to concentrate on new ideas, programming issues and suggestions from collegues. Perhaps they should have a completely seperate Adobe Forum dedicated to asking this same question an getting the same answer.

"Adobe READER doesn't WRITE. Get ACROBAT or READER Extensions."

Case Closed.